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"That is true," said Don Gonzales, thoughtfully. "Yes, but he's poor." "How do you know, father?" "Why, it is but reasonable to think so; and my daughter shall not marry any one with less position or fortune than herself." "As to position, father," continued the boy, "General Bezan wears orders that you would give half your fortune to possess!" "I forgot that."

At that moment, Ruez, returning from the Plato to procure some article which he had left behind, burst hastily into the room, and, blushing like a young girl at the scene that met his eye, he was about to retire hastily, when Lorenzo Bezan spoke to him, not the least disconcerted; he felt too secure in his position to realize any such feeling: "Come hither, Ruez, we have just been speaking of you."

Universal homage had been her share ever since she could remember; and if Isabella Gonzales was not a confirmed coquette, she was certainly very near being one. The light in which she regarded the advances of Captain Bezan, even puzzled herself; the phase of his case and the manner of his avowal were so far without precedent, that its novelty engaged her.

October 1, 1665. Embarked on board the Bezan, and come to the fleet about two of the clock. My Lord received us mighty kindly, and did discourse to us of the Dutch fleet being abroad, eighty- five of them still. 2nd. 3rd. Sir W. Batten is gone this day to meet to adjourne the Parliament to Oxford.

True, he realized the power of military discipline, and particularly of the Spanish army; but he forgot all else now, in the fact that Isabella Gonzales had publicly saluted him in the paths of the Paseo. Possessed of a highly chivalrous disposition, Lieutenant Bezan had few confidants among his regiment, who, notwithstanding this, loved him as well as brothers might love.

"Captain Bezan, it appears to me that you do not welcome me very cordially," said Isabella Gonzales, in reply, and a little archly. "Lady!" said the prisoner, springing to his feet as though he had been struck by an electric shock, "Senorita Isabella Gonzales, is it possible that you have remembered me at such a time-me, who am so soon to die?"

"SHE never loved me," said Lorenzo Bezan, in the privacy of his own room, on the morning subsequent to that of the serenade. "It was only my own insufferable egotism and self-conceit that gave me such confidence. Now I review the past, what single token or evidence has she given to me of particular regard? what has she done that any lady might not do for a gentleman friend? I can recall nothing.

Each division of the guard was set from this point, therefore Captain Bezan, as was his custom, remained here during the performance. "It must be very tedious to stay thus standing just there," remarked Ruez, pointing to Captain Bezan, and speaking to Isabella.

"Did you notice how stoutly that Lieutenant Bezan swam with me?" "Yes, brother. You forget, though, that he is Captain Bezan now," she added. "Father told me so," said the boy. "How fearfully the tide ran, and the current set against us! He held me way up above the water, while he was quite under it himself," continued Ruez. "I was sure he would drown; didn't it seem so to you, sister?"

"Captain Bezan, here is a new commission for you." "Excellency you are only too kind to an humble soldier." A calm, proud inclination of the head on the part of the governor-general, indicated that the audience was over, and the young officer returned, knowing well the character of the commander-in-chief.