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"The first thing that occurs to me," replied the other, "is what Flinders said, just before we were ordered off by the robbers. `Keep round by Bevan's Gully, he said, in the midst of his serio-comic leave-taking; and again he said, `Bevan's Gully sharp! Of course Paddy, with his jokes and stammering, has been acting a part all through this business, and I am convinced that he has heard something about Bevan's Gully; perhaps an attack on Bevan himself, which made him wish to tell us to go there."

The only thing was to be beforehand with Barbara and Bevan and Elise and Toby and Markham and the servants; to tell Fanny himself before any of them could get in first.

"Are they new people too, Marcus, like the Stanwell's?" but Dr. Luttrell shook his head. "No, they have lived in the place for years, but Mr. Williams quarrelled with Dr. Bevan, and his daughter dared not send for him, and as I was the nearest medical man, the servant came to me; it was just a fluke, that's all." "Is there only one daughter, Marcus?"

I've not been up the river for some time, The School generally goes down stream." "It's not what you'd call far," said Bevan. "But it would be easier for you to come by road." "I haven't a bicycle." "Wouldn't one of your friends lend you one?" Sheen flushed. "No, I'd better come by boat, I think. I'll turn up on Tuesday at about five. Will that suit you?" "Yes, sir. That will be a good time.

Of course, I can't let it get about that I go to Joe Bevan, because I have to break bounds every time I do it." "The upper river's out of bounds now for boarders, isn't it?" "Yes." Jack Bruce sat in silence for a while, his gaze concentrated on the road in front of him. "Why go by river at all?" he said at last. "If you like, I'll run you to the 'Blue Boar' in the motor every day."

He rushed at Sheen with such determination, that almost the first warning the latter had that the contest had begun was the collision of the back of his head with the wall. Out in the middle of the room he did better, and was beginning to hold his own, in spite of a rousing thump on his left eye, when Joe Bevan called "Time!" A second round went off in much the same way.

"But the music's lovely," gasped little Miss Plummer, as if the fact made his claim ridiculous. "I've been humming it ever since." "I can't help that. I still stick to it that I wrote it." "You aren't George Bevan!" "I am!" "But " Miss Plummer's voice almost failed here "But I've been dancing to your music for years! I've got about fifty of your records on the Victrola at home." George blushed.

And if he had the skill to win, had he the heart? Joe Bevan had said that he would not disgrace himself again, and he felt that the chances were against his doing so, but there was the terrible possibility.

Come now, Betty, tell us, like a good gal, is Tom Brixton here?" "No, he is not here," replied the girl. "Where is he, then?" "I do not know." "That's false, you do know. But come, lads, we'll sarch, and here's a cellar to begin with." He laid hold of the iron ring of the trap-door, opened it, and seizing a light descended, followed by Bevan, Crossby, Flinders, and one or two others.

"Because I've got a hold over him that he's not aware of just yet." "What is that, and why did you not make use of it just now to prevent our being needlessly led farther into these mountains?" asked Fred, in surprise. "What the hold is," returned Bevan, "you shall know at supper-time.