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"Why, confound it, Malcomson, that fellow's more like a beggarman than a gardener." "Saul, but he's a capital hand for a' that. Your honor's no' to tak the beuk by the cover. To be sure he's awfully vulgar, but, ma faith, he has a richt gude knowledgeable apprehension o' buttany and gerdening in generhal." The squire then approached our under-gardener, and accosted him,

'E'en then, a wish, I mind its power A wish that to my latest hour Shall strongly heave my breast That I, for poor auld Scotland's sake, Some usefu' plan or beuk could make, Or sing a sang at least. This was written afterwards, but it is retrospective of the years of his dawning ambition. For a time, however, all dreams of greatness are to be set aside as vain.

"Ow, I'll jist tak it," replied Janet, with a laugh in acknowledgment of her husband's fun; "it'll haud the rain ohn blin't me." "That's gien ye be able to haud it up. I doobt the win' 'll be ower sair upo' 't. I'm thinkin', though, it'll be mair to haud yer beuk dry!" Janet smiled and made no denial. "Noo, Gibbie," she said, "ye gang an' lowse Crummie. But ye'll hae to lead her.

"I houp nane o' them's swallowed my nepkin!" he said musingly. "I'm no sure whaur I was sittin'. I hae my place i' the beuk, but I doobt I hae tint my place i' the gerse." Long before he had ended, for he spoke with utter deliberation, Gibbie was yards away, flitting hither and thither like a butterfly. A minute more and Donal saw him pounce upon his bundle, which he brought to him in triumph.

I saw that inscription and read it wi' my ain een the verra day the lassie brocht the beuk, and kenned as weel's Mr Crann that the siller wasna to be taen hame again. Noo, Mr Crann!" He sat down, and Mr Turnbull rose. "My Christian brethren," he said, "it seems to me that this is not the proper place to discuss such a question.

"I said factor, an' that same 's 'maist eneuch, for he's like a roarin' lion an' a ragin' bear amang the people, an' that sin' ever ye gaed. Bow o' Meal said i' the meetin' the ither nicht 'at he bude to be the verra man, the wickit ruler propheseed o' sae lang sin syne i' the beuk o' the Proverbs. Eh! it's an awfu' thing to be foreordeent to oonrichteousness!"

I cannot smile at the hopes of the boy Burns, "That he, for poor auld Scotland's sake, Some usefu' plan or beuk could make, Or sing a sang at least." And while I am in a humor for quotation, I must give you this muscular verse from Henry More's "Platonic Song of the Soul":

"There's the auld piper again!" said one of the group, a young woman. "Haud ye yer tongue, lass," rejoined an elderly woman beside her. "There's mair things nor ye ken, as the Beuk says. There's een 'at can see an' een 'at canna, an' een 'at can see twise ower, an' een 'at can see steikit what nane can see open." "Ta poat! ta poat of my chief!" cried the seer.

I tellt ye I kent my beuk no that ill!" she added with some triumph; then resumed: "What the waur wad he or she or Sir Gibbie hae been though they hed inveetit me, as I was there, to sit me doon, an' tak' a plet o' their cockie-leekie wi' them?

Mr Cupples, having made a translation of the inscription, took it to Thomas Crann. "Do ye min' what Bruce read that nicht ye saw him tak' something oot o' the beuk?" he asked as he entered. "Ay, weel that. He began wi' the twenty-third psalm, and gaed on to the neist." "Weel, read that. I faun' 't on a blank leaf o' the buik."