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She reached home safely, and crept to bed undiscovered: and when the next morning, as was to be expected, found her laid up with something very like a fever, from excitement, terror, and cold, the phantom grew stronger and stronger before her, and it required all her woman's tact and self-restraint to avoid betraying by her exclamations what had happened on that fantastic night.

For some minutes she buried her face in her cold fingers, and then, raising her head, rang for her attendants with a steady hand, and with a gesture betraying a fixed determination of purpose. Her resolution was taken. "Is everything prepared for my departure?" she inquired of one of her female attendants who entered.

We are practically certain that some one in our own navy, some black-hearted traitor wearing an officer's uniform perhaps several of them is in communication with some one on shore, betraying our government's most vital secrets." "I can't believe it," cried Jane, "our own American officers traitors!" "Undoubtedly some of them are," said Mr. Fleck regretfully.

Thus far he had been able to maintain considerable self-control, and by daily experience knew just about how much morphia he could take without betraying himself. His family had become accustomed to its effects, and ascribed them to the peculiar state of his health. Loving eyes are often the most blind, and that which is seen daily ceases to seem strange.

A fortunate thing, that the long habit of betraying should find at times the index in which to betray itself. "But you don't tell me, my dear Godolphin," said Saville, as he broke the toast into his chocolate, "you don't tell me how the world employed itself at Rome.

He complained bitterly of the treachery of the Italians who were in the English pay; the two Cassalis, Pallavicino, and Ghinucci, the Bishop of Worcester. These men, he said, were betraying Henry when they were pretending to serve him, and were playing secretly into the hands of the emperor.

Emboldened by this pious hope, Roswitha shrinks from no difficulties or details, details which might well have made her hesitate, and which, betraying a knowledge of the world, have raised the question as to whether she made her profession as early as was customary. This solicitude of Roswitha for the welfare of frail and all too human mankind recalls St.

Laws may be evaded, and too often are; tags betraying that goods are "tenement made" may be removed, and they make no appeal anyhow to a community deaf to the arraignment of the bargain counter. But an instructed public sentiment, such as that of which the Consumers' League is the most recent expression, makes laws and enforces them too.

Sir Gervaise now chose to remain silent, for never before had Bluewater come so near betraying his political bias, in the presence of third persons. This pause enabled Sir Wycherly to find his voice. "Let me see, Tom," said the baronet, "fifteen and ten are twenty-five, and ten are thirty, and ten are forty-five it is just thirty years since the Jacobites were up before!

The three came out into the road where the vicar and John stood still to meet them. "Mrs. Goddard," said the clergyman, "this is Mr. Short, of whom you have heard John, let me introduce you to Mr. Juxon." John felt that he blushed violently as he took Mrs. Goddard's hand. He would not have believed that he could feel so much embarrassed, and he hated himself for betraying it.