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"Yes, and the scene in the Tolbooth where Rob Roy gives Bailie Nicol Jarvie them three sufficient reasons fur not betrayin' him." The old man grinned. He seemed to be at his happiest in praising, and finding another to praise, his favorite author. "Interesting old illustrations these are," said Davenport, taking up another volume. "Dryburgh Abbey that's how it looks on a gray day.

Betrayin' and denying the innercent, has been men's work, ever since the time of Judas and Peter. Now, Marse Alfred, Bedney did tack the hank'cher inside the portrait of President Linkum, 'cause we thought that was the saftest place, but I knowed the house would be sarched, so I jest hid it in a better place.

He jerked a thumb at the far-off fires. "What's the merry prank?" Mr. Johnson sighed again. "Deception. Treachery. Mine." He looked out across the desert to the Gavilan Hills with a complacent eye. "And breach of trust. Mine, again." "Who you been betrayin' now?" "Just you. You and your pardner; the last bein' myself. You know them location papers of ours I was to get recorded at Tucson?"

"Un-faithful!" faltered Jane. "Yes, I said unfaithful. You're faithful to your Bishop an' unfaithful to yourself. You're false to your womanhood an' true to your religion. But for a savin' innocence you'd have made yourself low an' vile betrayin' yourself, betrayin' me all to bind my hands an' keep me from snuffin' out Mormon life. It's your damned Mormon blindness."

"Oh," says he, "you'll have to bring him back again to the east to rise next mornin'." By Saint Patrick! and wasn't I near betrayin' me ignorance, Sure'n I thought there was a large family of suns, and they rise one after the other. But I gathered meself quick, and, says I to him, "Well," says I, "I'm surprised you axed me that simple question.

"I guess it won't hurt you to know now somethin' that will be of considerable interest to you later on. I ain't betrayin' nobody's secret, 'cause I said I was goin' to tell you the whole story." "Don't you think you'd better let it come from somebody else, Phin?" interposed his wife nervously. "No, I don't, Eliza. 'Cause why? 'Cause I think he'd ort to know.