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"We owe the Huns something we haven't been able to pay off as yet." Tom referred to the loss of Harry Leroy. So far no word had been received from him, either directly or through the German aviators, as to whether he was dead or a prisoner. Letters had passed between Bessie and Nellie and Jack and Tom, and the sister of the missing youth begged for news. But there was none to give her.

'Only think of his coming on my birthday again! exclaimed Bessie, 'and at this late hour just as if he had dropped from the moon! 'Who, who has come? cried Ida, looking from one to the other, with a scared white face. It seemed to her as if the moonlit garden was moving away in a thick white cloud, spots of fire floated before her eyes, and then all the world went round like a fiery wheel.

"Bai-ey Je-ove!" he said, after a long pause. "I ah, came akwass a vewy good one the othah day ah. A blind beggah had a bwoth-ah, and the bwoth-ah died; now, what welation was ah, the blind beggah to the ah, dead beggah?" "His sister, of course," said Bessie Dasher, promptly.

Maria smiled, passed her hand over the boy's curls, took two cakes from a dish, gave them to him, and said: "One for you, the other for Bessie; our flowers shall stay."

"Just got back, sor," he whispered, and a minute later Bessie came daintily out over the carpeted way with her aunt. "How good of you!" she said, and "Good-night, Mr. Westover," said Miss Lynde, with an implication in her voice that virtue was peculiarly its own reward for those who performed any good office for her or hers.

For an instant everything around her turned black, and when she came to herself she felt that she could not breathe in that room with Grey's picture on the wall, and his eyes looking at her as they had looked that day, in Rome, when he had said to her words she would almost give half her life to hear again. Bessie was no dissembler.

"Of course not," said Bessie, warmly; "I will not think of it again. Only when the fate does overtake you, you will have me here for it, Alick?" He readily promised, feeling gratified at the effect of having spoken to his sister with full recognition of her good sense.

"I happen to know," Bessie said, and escaped from further questioning. On the morning of the day when Deleah and her mother were to look over the house which Deleah had chosen for the scene of their new start in life, the girl went down into the shop to help her mother take stock of her stores of teas and sugars and soaps.

Such was Bessie Millie, to whom the mariners paid a sort of tribute with a feeling between jest and earnest." From about the beginning of the century up to 1807 Robert Stevenson was in partnership with Thomas Smith. In the last-named year the partnership was dissolved; Thomas Smith returning to his business, and my grandfather becoming sole engineer to the Board of Northern Lights.

I told her, and together we have tried to find his heirs, and, father, we have found them, or her, for there is but one direct heir of his sister Elizabeth, and that and that is Bessie, my wife. Oh, father, look up, bear up; you must not faint," Grey continued in alarm, as he felt his father press heavily against him, and saw the ghastly pallor on his face. "Bessie your wife the heir!