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Oubie and Goscho Beru kept to their engagements, offered battle to Ras Ali near Debra Tabor, and utterly routed his army; Ras Ali with difficulty escaping from the field with a small body of well-mounted followers. It so happened, however, that Oubie celebrated his success in potations too many and deep.

But he had no doubt whatever that the Sofala was out of the proper track for crossing the bar at Batu Beru. It was a slight error. It was some such feeling that kept Massy motionless, with his teeth laid bare by an anxious grin. Not so the Serang. He was not troubled by any intellectual mistrust of his senses. If his captain chose to stir the mud it was well.

At that time Batu Beru was not what it has become since: the center of a prosperous tobacco-growing district, a tropically suburban-looking little settlement of bungalows in one long street shaded with two rows of trees, embowered by the flowering and trim luxuriance of the gardens, with a three-mile-long carriage-road for the afternoon drives and a first-class Resident with a fat, cheery wife to lead the society of married estate-managers and unmarried young fellows in the service of the big companies.

The bêru was the space that could be covered in two hours' travelling. The Babylonian Dragon has progeny in the later apocalyptic literature, where we find very similar descriptions of the creatures' size. But Egypt's Dragon motif was even more prolific, and the Pistis Sophia undoubtedly suggested descriptions of the Serpent, especially in connexion with Hades.

The description occurs as part of a myth, of which the text is so badly preserved that only the contents of one column can be made out with any certainty. For the text, see Ebeling, Assurtexte I, No. 6; it is translated by him in Orient. Lit.-Zeit., Vol. Dr. Dr. "surface". Dr. i.e. the length of his pace was twenty bêru. Lit. "the black-headed".

The noise of their continuous and violent screaming filled the air. This great noise would meet the Sofala coming up from Batu Beru; it would meet her on quiet evenings, a pitiless and savage clamor enfeebled by distance, the clamor of seabirds settling to rest, and struggling for a footing at the end of the day.

Difficult to prove in court, and so on. Why, yes. But if you say the word, sir, I can tell you something about his indolence that will give you the clear right to fire him out on the spot and put me in charge for the rest of this very trip yes, sir, before we leave Batu Beru and make him pay a dollar a day for his keep till we get back, if you like. Now, what do you think of that? Come, sir.

The contract was old: perhaps in a few years' time, when it had expired, Batu Beru would be included in the service; meantime all Mr. Van Wyk's mail was addressed to Malacca, whence his agent sent it across once a month by the Sofala. Van Wyk was deprived of his letter and newspapers. In so far he had a personal interest in the fortunes of the Sofala. And when the Sofala reappeared Mr.

In the hope of improving his position, he had the baseness to report to his Majesty that when a rumour was started that he had been killed in Shoa, a great many of the prisoners had rejoiced. Theodore, on receiving this message, gave orders for all the political prisoners who were only chained by the leg to have hand chains put on exempting only from this order his informer Beru Goscho.

Through his influence Oubie concluded an alliance with Goscho Beru, the ruler of Godjam. The two chiefs agreed to march on Debra Tabor, attack Ras Ali, wrest from him the power he had usurped, and divide the government of Abyssinia, confirming the Bishop's alleged rights to a third of the revenue of the land.