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But you wouldn't feel that: a man's life is so much fuller than a woman's. You've been half over the world while Berns and I have been patiently cultivating our cabbage patch. I envy you: it would be jolly to have one's mind stored full of queer foreign adventures and foreign landscapes to think about in odd moments, even if it were only millet fields."

Berns considers rheumatism a probable cause of gonitis and, as he states, the dropsical form of affection of this joint is not ordinarily attended with manifestations of inconvenience to the subject. Gonitis is often bilateral and its onset is insidious in many instances. Symptomatology. In unilateral gonitis weight is not borne by the affected member.

"But that is too ugly, Berns. You oughtn't to say such a thing even in fun. It was no fun for Lawrence." "I don't object to an occasional scrap," said Lawrence. "But this one was overdone." He shivered suddenly from head to foot. "Hallo, old man, I didn't know you had a nerve in your body!" said Bernard staring at him. Lawrence went on with his strawberries in an ungenial silence.

He used to have a hot temper when he was a young man, and you know, Berns, it would be tiresome if there were any open scandal." "Scandal be hanged," said Bernard Clowes. "You do as you're told." His wife gave an almost imperceptible shrug of the shoulders as if to disclaim further responsibility.

I can sit out anything from 'Here We Are Again' to 'Samson Agonistes. To be frank, I rather liked 'Samson': it does one's ears good to listen to that austere, delicate English." "How long would these take to polish one off?" "Ten or twelve hours, chiefly in the form of a hoop. No, Berns, I can't recommend them."

"But Miss Isabel has her brother to take care of her, she doesn't want me." Isabel gave that indefinable start which is the prelude of candour, but remained dumb. "I don't like to leave you to walk up to Wanhope alone." This, was as near as in civilized life he could go to saying "to face Clowes alone." "The length of the drive?" said Laura smiling. "I should prefer it. You know what Berns is."

Berns states that in confining horses on an old operating table where it was necessary to draw the affected foot forward twenty-four to thirty-six inches in advance of its fellow, which was secured in a natural vertical position, radial paralysis of a mild form was of frequent occurrence.

Oh my poor Berns, you forget that I'm thirty-six!" Here was the authentic accent of truth. Clowes heard it, but he had got beyond the point where a man is capable of saying "I was wrong, forgive me." At that moment he no longer desired Laura to be innocent, he would have preferred to justify himself by proving her guilty.

It's no joke, trying to get rooms in a London hotel when you've ladies with you and no luggage." "You think Laura would let Hyde take her to an hotel?" "Well, Berns, what else are they to do?" said Val impatiently. "They can't very well sit in a Waterloo waitingroom!" "No, no," said Clowes. "Much better pass the night at an hotel. Is that what you call a rotten time?