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Of course as soon as Doctor Wade told me that, I said 'Bring him! It will be so extraordinarily interesting to watch the first impression. Yes, do follow him, dear Mr. Bernald, and be sure that you and he secure the seats next to me. Of course Alice Fosdick insists on being with us. She was wild with excitement when I told her she was to meet some one who'd never heard of Pellerin!"

Once more he was lost in wonder at Howland's miraculous faculty for always, as the naturalists said, being true to type. "So I'm afraid it's all up with his chance of writing. At least I can do no more," said Wade, discouraged. Bernald pressed him for farther details. "Does Winterman seem to mind much? Did you hear his version?" "His version?" "I mean what he said to Howland." "Why no.

It was then that Bernald vowed to himself that he would return the next Sunday at all costs.

And he felt a distinct thrill of relief when, half-way down the lawn, Doctor Bob was checked by a voice that called him back to the telephone. "Now I'll be with him alone!" thought Bernald, with a throb like a lover's.

Bernald, looking about him, saw that during his brief aside with Wade the party had passed into the final phase of dissolution. People still delayed, in diminishing groups, but the current had set toward the doors, and every moment or two it bore away a few more lingerers.

Bernald groaned. "Not a bit of it! You're out again. We don't love him, either of us. But we feel him the air's charged with him. You'll see." And Bernald agreed that he would see, the following Sunday. Wade's inarticulate attempts to characterize the stranger had struck his friend.