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Johnson's face was pale, and the tablecloth crumpled into a crooked ridge under his fingers, but his voice was steady as he replied: 'I don't understand. 'Will you understand if I give you your right name, Mr Benyon? 'What's all this? said Mr Birdsey feebly. Waterall turned to him, the vulturine cast of his face more noticeable than ever.

There was one packet of letters which caught my eye, it was from a Miss De Benyon. I seized it immediately, and showed the inscription to Mr Cophagus. "Pooh nothing at all her mother was a De Benyon." "Have you any objection to my looking at these letters?" "No read nothing in them." I laid them on one side, and we proceeded in our search, when Mr Cophagus took up a sealed packet.

"What is the matter, Puck?" Lady Benyon asked. "Oh, I was just thinking thinking I would ask Uncle James to give Mildred some chicken." "Why, of course, my dear child!" Uncle James exclaimed, to everybody's astonishment. "And have some yourself, Beth?" "No, thank you," Beth answered. "I'm full." "Beth!" her mother was beginning, when she perceived that Uncle James was laughing.

Gentlemen connected with the navy have the advantage of seeing many types of women; they are able to compare the ladies of New York with those of Valparaiso, and those of Halifax with those of the Cape of Good Hope. Eaymond Benyon had had these advantages, and being very fond of women he had learnt his lesson; he was in a position to appreciate Georgina Gressie's fine points.

"Why, go on as if there'd been nothing much really the matter, as if you'd had the vapours or the flutters, or something women have, or used to have when they were even sillier than they are." She laughed again, adding, "Really I was expecting Dick Benyon to propose to cut your stay-laces."

The household of Blakeney Manor were accustomed to the master's sudden journeys and absences of several days, presumably on some shooting or other sporting expeditions, with no one in attendance on him, save Benyon, his favourite valet. These passed without any comments now!

I renew old ties of friendship, and seek new ones of love Obliged to take my father to task once more He receives his lesson with proper obedience. I took the carriage the next day, and drove to Lord Windermear's. He was at home, and I gave my name to the servant as Mr De Benyon. It was the first time that I had made use of my own name. His lordship was alone when I entered.

"Has it never occurred to you that I may deem myself absolved from the promise made you before I married you?" "Very often, of course. But I have instantly dismissed the idea. How can you be 'absolved'? One promises, or one doesn't. I attach no meaning to that, and neither do you." And she glanced down to the front of her dress. Benyon listened, but he went on as if he had not heard her.

"Heh! what's this De Benyon again? Japhet, look here." I took the packet; it was sealed, and tied with red tape. "Papers belonging to Lieutenant William De Benyon, to be returned to him at my decease." "Alice Maitland, with great care," was written at the bottom of the envelope. "This is it, my dear sir," cried I, jumping up and embracing Mr Cophagus "these are the papers which I require.

Benyon that a charming little boy had been born to him, and that Georgina had put him to nurse with Italian peasants, but that, if he would kindly consent to it, she, Mrs. Portico, would bring him up much better than that.