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Yottle has waited for your return before communicating with the relatives in London. 'I will go to Belwick in the morning, he said. Then, after reflection, 'Mr. Mutimer told you that he had destroyed his will? 'No. He had it from Mr. Yottle two days before his death, and on the day after the Monday Mr. Yottle was to have come to receive instructions for a new one.

The old man had begun mining there; there's iron. I've got my ideas about that. I didn't go into the house; people are there still. Now the income. He read his notes: So much in railways, so much averaged yearly from iron-works in Belwick, so much in foreign securities, so much disposable at home. Total 'Stop, Dick, stop! uttered his mother, under her breath.

Skies were lowering towards winter, and the sides of the valley showed bare patches amid the rich-hued death of leaves; ere long a night of storm would leave 'ruined choirs. Richard was in truth working hard. He had just opened a course of lectures at a newly established Socialist branch in Belwick.

He held a meeting in Belwick of all the New Wanleyers he could gather together: those who came repudiated the outrage as useless and unworthy. On the whole, it seemed probable that only a handful of good-for-nothings had been concerned in the affair, probably men who had been loafing in the Belwick public-houses, indisposed to look for work.

The light was not abiding, but something of radiance lingered, and that must stead her. Her brother returned to Belwick next morning after an early breakfast. He was in his wonted high spirits, and talked with much satisfaction of the acquaintances he had made on the previous day, while Adela waited upon him. Mrs. Waltham only appeared as he was setting off.

To their house, about three months after her husband's death, came Adela. The intermediate time she had passed with Stella. All were very glad to have her at Belwick Letty in particular, who, though a matron with two bouncing boys, still sat at Adela's feet and deemed her the model of womanhood. Adela was not so sad as they had feared to find her.

She knew that he would appear to her in a different light from formerly; she would be far better able to understand him. She began by seeking his opinion of her husband's chances in Belwick. Mr. Wyvern shook his head and said frankly that he thought there was no chance at all. Mutimer was looked upon in the borough as a mischievous interloper, who came to make disunion in the Radical party.

I find discontent where it was formerly unknown. The typical case is that lad of Bolton's. They wanted him sadly at home; by this time he would have been helping his unfortunate father. Instead of that he's the revolutionary oracle of Belwick pot-houses, and appears on an average once a fortnight before the magistrates for being drunk and disorderly.

Never trust the thoroughness of the man who is a revolutionist on abstract principles; personal feeling alone goes to the root of the matter. Many were the gentlemen to whom Alfred had the happiness of being introduced in the course of the day. Among others was Mr. Keene the journalist. At the end of a lively conversation Mr. Keene brought out a copy of the 'Belwick Chronicle, that day's issue.

The first thing, of course, is to get the financial details of our scheme put into shape. I go to Belwick again this afternoon; my solicitor must get his business through as soon as possible. 'You will reside for the most part at Wanley? 'At the Manor, yes. It is occupied just now, but I suppose will soon be free. 'Do you know that part of the country, Stella? Mr. Westlake asked of his wife.