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Presently he stood on the side of lofty Steeperton and surveyed that vast valley known as Taw Marsh, which lies between the western foothills of Cosdon Beacon and the Belstone Tors to the north. The ragged manes of the latter hills wind through the valley in one lengthy ridge, and extend to a tremendous castellated mass of stone, by name Oke Tor.

A widow's rights should be respected; but I thought our names would be mentioned," said Lady Belstone, dejectedly. "Of course he knew," said Lady Mary, in a low voice, "that Peter's house would be always open to us all, as my boy said himself." "Dear boy! he has said it to us too," said the sisters, in a breath.

"On the contrary," she said, "I was offering, not a moment ago, to take Peter round and show him the improvements. We have been so much occupied with each other that he has not had time to look round him." "I wish he may think them improvements, my love," said Lady Belstone. Miss Crewys, joyously scenting battle, hastened to join forces with her sister.

That lumbering old chest was in the harness-room. Pretty ornaments for a gentleman's sitting-room! If Peter has grown up anything like my poor brother, he won't put up with it at all." "I suppose, in one sense, it's Peter's house, or will be very shortly?" said the canon. "In every sense it's Peter's house," cried Lady Belstone; "and he comes of age, thank Heaven, in October."

Lady Belstone still mourned her admiral in black silk and crêpe, whilst Miss Georgina's respect for her brother's memory was made manifest in plum-coloured satin. Lady Mary, too, wore black to-night. Since the day of Peter's return she had not ventured to don her favourite white.