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Le Ministre a Frontenac, 26 Mai, 1696. Besides the above, many other letters and despatches on both sides have been examined in relation to these questions. The correspondence of Frontenac and Bellomont, the report of Peter Schuyler and Dellius, the journal of John Schuyler, and other papers on the same subjects, will be found in N. Y. Col.

Nevertheless, she was soon aware that the experiment of coming to Bellomont was destined not to be successful. The party was made up of what Mrs. Trenor called "poky people" her generic name for persons who did not play bridge and, it being her habit to group all such obstructionists in one class, she usually invited them together, regardless of their other characteristics.

It was one of those still November days when the air is haunted with the light of summer, and something in the lines of the landscape, and in the golden haze which bathed them, recalled to Miss Bart the September afternoon when she had climbed the slopes of Bellomont with Selden.

A new Governor was searched for a man strong enough to resist the bribery of pirate crews, and able to drive them off the seas. And just such a man was found. CONTAINING the TRUE LIFE of CAPTAIN KIDD In England there lived a man who had been a great friend of King William; who had been his friend even before he had become King. This man was Lord Bellomont.

Gardiner's Island, a famous rendezvous for pirates, is the only place known to have been used as a bank of deposit, for in 1699 the Earl of Bellomont recovered from it seven hundred and eighty-three ounces of gold, six hundred and thirty-three ounces of silver, cloth of gold, silks, satins, and jewels.

The library was almost the only surviving portion of the old manor-house of Bellomont: a long spacious room, revealing the traditions of the mother-country in its classically-cased doors, the Dutch tiles of the chimney, and the elaborate hob-grate with its shining brass urns.

But Captain Kidd's story did not satisfy Lord Bellomont; so he was put into prison, and later sent home to England to be tried. There he was condemned to death and hanged as a pirate in 1701. Some people, however, never believed in his guilt.

She glanced down at him, faintly smiling. "Did you really come to Bellomont to see me?" "Of course I did." Her look deepened meditatively. "Why?" she murmured, with an accent which took all tinge of coquetry from the question. "Because you're such a wonderful spectacle: I always like to see what you are doing." "How do you know what I should be doing if you were not here?" Selden smiled.

The remainder he divided with his crew. Then he went to Boston, took a new name, and intended to live in quiet and luxury during the remainder of his life. But, unfortunately, one day Lord Bellomont was in Boston, met him, and caused his arrest. In a few months he was sent to England in chains. There he was executed.

With the great landed estates came tenantry, wage slavery and chattel slavery, the one condition the natural generator of the others. The rebellious tendency of the poor colonists against becoming tenants, and the usurpation of the land, were clearly brought out by Bellomont in a letter written on Nov. 28, 1700, to the Lords of Trade.