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The polished brass andirons, which seemed to feel the whole weight of responsibility in supporting the family dignity, stood across the hearth, belligerently bright, and there were sprays of asparagus in a china vase in front of them.

Result was that, in their weakened condition, they speedily fought themselves to a standstill without serious damage to either side. "Now perhaps you'll tell me who the hell you think you are!" panted Cathcart, fiercely. At just beyond arm's length they discussed the situation, at first belligerently with much recrimination, then more calmly, at last with a modicum of mutual understanding.

He's the man I told you about who has asked Marian to marry him, and Marian has refused him probably because she prefers somebody nearer home." Then Linda felt the tensing of every muscle in Katy's body. She saw the lift of her head, the incredulous, resentful look in her eyes. There was frank hostility in her tone. "Well, who is there nearer home that Marian knows?" she demanded belligerently.

I was now as anxious to meet dogs belligerently inclined towards motors, as I had been to avoid them, but it was not until we were well past Fontainebleau that the chance for which I yearned, arrived. Suddenly we came upon a yard of Dachshund wandering lizard-like across the road, accompanied by a pert Spitz.

Can't git 'em to come up to the Readin' Room with the decent fellers," Marty said belligerently. Marty had forgotten that not so long before he had been a frequenter of the tavern "hoss sheds" himself. That was before Janice had started the Public Library Association and the boys' club. Janice did not see Nelson that evening, and she wondered what he was doing with his idle time.

"Can't marry? Why can't Inez marry?" demanded Judith belligerently. "Because no decent man would marry her," returned Douglas flatly. Judith laughed. "You poor old male, you! Will you kindly tell me what man in this valley you consider more decent than Inez?" "I'm decent," said Douglas, flushing, but not the less firmly. Judith's eyes softened. "You've kept that promise, Doug?" "Yes," briefly.

Major Minerva he ain't never churn," he began belligerently but his relative turned an uncompromising and rather perturbed back upon him. Realizing that he was beaten, he submitted to his fate, clutched the dasher angrily, and began his weary work. He was glad his little black friend did not witness his disgrace.

I guess it's more natural for a kid than the sulks you've been keeping up with Seaton." "I'm not such a kid. I'm going on fifteen and I've earned my own way since I was twelve. And I earn it with men, too." Nucky jerked his head belligerently. Frank ate a hard boiled egg before speaking. Then, with one eyebrow raised, he grunted, "What'd you work at?" "Cards and dice!" this very proudly.

I got quite a gregus sum of money saved up and I never did see Frontier Day yet." "That's right, Johnny! You ask him," said Douglas, with a remote twinkle in his eye. "Johnny, you are a fool, I swear!" exclaimed Grandma. "Let me catch you lally-gagging off to Mountain City! Come on, let's get started." "Anyhow, Doug is my friend," said the old man, belligerently, as he followed his sister.

"Then you'd better stretch them somewhere else than in the street." "I thought this was a free country," hiccoughed the second. "You'll find it isn't if I get hold of you," said the officer. "Want to fight?" demanded the second sailor, belligerently. "Boy, stop playing," said the policeman. "I don't want to arrest these men unless I am obliged to do it."