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We do not believe in ourselves because we do not know who we are; we do not know enough of ourselves to believe in anything. We do not believe; we acquiesce that certain things are so because it is necessary to acquiesce, but we do not believe in anything, not even that we are going to die, for if we did we should live for death, and not for life."

The place, I believe, will never be considerable." This "small trade" which Lee speaks of was to develop in a very few years to gigantic proportions, and was to make Pittsburgh for the while the commercial metropolis of the West.

"Why would you decline my invitation?" he asked, in a tone of what was intended to be tender reproach. "I prefer not to visit the club-room, as I believe it is called." "You would soon get used to it if you were in the Army," he ventured awkwardly.

The wife inside was busied with a kettle that crackled and hissed on the hearth; a little infant cried now and then, and Anders rocked it. At last the wife spoke these few words: "I believe you both think of each other without being willing to admit it." "Let us talk of something else," replied Anders. After a while he got up and moved towards the door.

But Mr. Lincoln meant neither more nor less than what he said, his sole object being the overthrow of the Rebels. He has done no more than any President would have been compelled to do who should have sought to do his duty. Mr. Douglas could have done no less, had he been chosen President, and had rebellion followed his election, as we believe would have been the fact.

He simply hurried a little faster. He had not dreamed that the miller's dog would chase him across Swift River. But there he was. And he was running fast, too. Then something happened that really frightened Frisky Squirrel. At first he could hardly believe it. But it was true. It really was another dog that was barking another dog that was waiting on the other side of Swift River.

He knew neither poetry, nor science, nor even the tongue of the Greeks, and he was ignorant, too, of the ancient traditions concerning the origin of the world and the nature of the gods. He bravely repeated fables which in my time would have brought smiles to the little children who were not yet old enough to pay for admission at the baths. The vulgar easily believe in monsters.

If you can serve him, my mother's soul will watch over you as a guardian angel. As for me, I ask no help from any one: I go into the world and will carve out my own way. So much do I shrink from the thought of charity from others, that I do not believe I could bless you as I do now if your kindness to me did not close with the stone upon my mother's grave.

How did he gain the necessary experience?" "That is more than I can tell you; but I'm inclined to believe he has been at one of the universities Toronto, most likely. Anyhow, on the whole he acts as a judicious restraint." "But don't you really know anything about him?" "Only what some years of close companionship have taught me, though I think that's enough. For the rest, I took him on trust."

I believe that the best worship is the manifold activities of daily life laid upon God's altar, so that the division between things secular and things sacred is to a large extent misleading and irrelevant.