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On more than one occasion the regent publicly declared that the confederates had taken unfair advantage of her fears, and that she did not feel herself bound by an engagement which had been extorted from her by threats. Of all the Belgian towns which had participated in the insurrection of the Iconoclasts none had caused the regent so much alarm as the town of Valenciennes, in Hainault.

Verdict: as translated by the ferocious interpreter: "Ze Court faind you Geeltee. You are condemned to Dess, and you will be shot on Monday." In the prison of Saint-Gilles as I believe elsewhere in Belgium though there might be a military governor in control who was a German, the general direction remained in the hands of the Belgian staff which was there when the German occupation began.

He was of the race of those Belgian brewers who intoxicated the people of Ghent to rouse them to revolt. The butcher, Legendre, was to Danton what Danton was to Mirabeau, a step lower in the abyss of sedition.

Strong Belgian forces operating from the westward were driving the enemy towards the advancing British, while across the Rovuma Portuguese troops, well supplied with light field-artillery, were considered a bar to any attempted "break-through" on the southern frontier.

"One must never smoke in a close carriage; one may ask and obtain leave to smoke, when returning from a pic-nic or expedition, in an open carriage. "One must never smoke in a theatre, on a race-course, nor in church. This last is not, perhaps, a needless caution. In the Belgian churches you see a placard announcing: "Ici on ne mache pas du tabac.

The former, consisting of about two millions of men, had been devoted to the attack on the British and German forces holding an almost impregnable position behind the chain of huge fortresses known at present as the Belgian Quadrilateral.

"I think, Patsy dear, it will be best to leave this Belgian girl in ignorance of her husband's fate." "I, myself, have a wife," quoth little Maurie, with smug assurance, "but she is not worrying about me, wherever she may be; nor do I feel especial anxiety for Clarette. A woman takes what comes especially if she is obliged to." Patsy regarded him indignantly.

It was founded by Stanley in the early eighties and named in honour of the Belgian king. It commands the river, cataracts, forests and mountains. Commerce, however, fixed Kinshassa as its base of operation, and its expansion has been astonishing for that part of the world. It is a bustling port and you can usually see half a dozen steamers tied up at the bank.

Everywhere were broken lances of German and Belgian, side by side; scabbards and helmets, saddles and guns. These the peasants were collecting in a pile, to be removed by the military. High up over the graves of twelve hundred, as we stood there, a German biplane came and went, hovering like a carrion crow, seeking other victims for death. "In the village itself death is still busy.

Belgium had then an army of 200,000 men; 60,000 volunteers sprang to arms, and that 260,000 was the maximum Belgian army that attempted to withstand the millions of Germany's armed forces. Even these were not effectively placed. The 30,000 men at the frontier were not sufficient to permit of any effective sorties to protect the approaches to the Liége fortifications.