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The weaver's wife, who sat with a child on her knee, and had not hitherto opened her mouth, hearing me speak in that serious and religious style, stirred up the fire with her one hand; then, drawing a chair near it, she said: "Come awa, honest lad, in by here; sin' it be sae that you belang to Him wha gies us a' that we hae, it is but right that you should share a part.

The southern shore of Banda Neira faces the forest-clad heights of Great Banda, clothed from base to summit with nutmeg trees, shadowed by huge kanaris, their interlacing canopies protecting the precious spice plantations from the sun. A slender rowing boat, known as a belang, makes a brilliant point of colour on the blue strait between the sister islands.

"An' 'deed I cud wuss," she added, "'at in oor ain kirk we had mair opportunity, for ance i' the twalmonth 's no verra aften to tak up the thouchts 'at belang to the holy ordnance."

Bensneider arrived, together with the Controlleur of the next district, called Belang, from whom I learned that six miles further on there was a village called Panghu, which had been recently formed and had a good deal of forest close to it; and he promised me the use of a small house if I liked to go there.

"'Answer me at once, returned the captain; 'which party do you favor? "'Ye might have the civility to give me a gentle hint which side ye belang to, said Sawney. "'No circumlocution, rejoined the soldier, sternly. 'Inform me immediately: Are you a mercenary of the tyrant of England, or a friend to liberty? your life depends on your answer.

Thou, bonnie Lesley, art a queen, Thy subjects we before thee; Thou, bonnie Lesley, art divine, The hearts o' men adore thee. The very deil he could na scathe Whatever wad belang thee! He'd look into thy bonnie face And say, "I canna wrang thee"

"You are he who is ca'ed the guid Sir James?" said the old woman. "I am, good woman," replied Sir James. "Why hast thou wandered from the sutler's camp?" "I dinna belang to the camp o' the hoblers," answered the woman.

I may say THAT, for I belang til't my sel'. But what pairt o' 't ran ye frae whan ye cam awa'?" "I ran frae nae pairt, but I cam frae hame i' the north pairt o' that same," answered Cosmo, and bent again to his work. The man came a step nearer, and Cosmo, without looking up, was aware he was regarding him intently.

But then ye speak o' a charter; now these are things that only belang to the like o' you that are a gentleman, and it mightna bear me through that am but a husbandman." "The charter that I speak of," said Morton, "is common to the meanest Scotchman.

'I'm very much obleeged to ye, but I'm no' comin', said Liz, with the same firmness which had set aside Walter's scheme concerning her. 'Why not? Nobody ever refuses me anything, Gladys said. 'It wad be a sin for me to gang, replied Liz quietly. 'I'm no' fit to speak to the like o' you. At least, that's what them ye belang to wad say.