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If it is 1515 and gives the date, it must mean the year when the mere building was finished, not the carving, for the renaissance band can hardly have been done till after his return from Belem. The doorway is one of great beauty, indeed is one of the most beautiful pieces of work in the kingdom.

I thought of Veronica, calm and happy, as the spring always made her, and the thought was a finishing blow to the variety of moods I had passed through. The helm of my will was broken. "There is a good view from Moss Hill yonder," he said. "Shall we go up?" I bowed, declining his arm, and trudged beside him. From its summit Belem was only half in sight.

"Then," said Ben, "our hunters are up from Belem. Anybody in from Belem, John?" "Oh yes, sir, every day." "I'll look them up," he said to us; but he returned soon, and begged us not to look at Dickens, if we had a chance.

The marriage of Minha afforded an excellent opportunity, it being so natural for them to accompany her to Belem, where she was going to live with her husband. She would there see and learn to love the mother of Manoel Valdez. How could Joam Garral hesitate in the face of so praiseworthy a desire?

This young architect built with so light a hand that the masons struck work till he encouraged them by sitting beneath his own creation. The same, they say, was done at Belem, Lisbon. The interior is Gothic, unlike all others in the islands; and the piers, lofty and elegant, imitate palm-fronds, a delicate flattery to 'Las Palmas' and a good specimen of local invention.

Digby in the act of elevating his eyebrows at Mr. Devereaux, who signified his opinion by telegraphing back: "It is all over with them." "Hey, Somers," said the first; "what are you doing nowadays?" "Pretty much the same work that I always have on hand." "Do you mean to stick to Belem?" "No." "I thought so. But what has come over Des. lately? He is spoony."

"Will you be so good as to introduce me to the two young ladies near you? We have met before, but I do not know their names." "Ah," said the Doctor, taking off his spectacles and wiping them leisurely; then raising his voice, said, "Miss Cassandra Morgeson and Miss Helen Perkins, Mr. Ben Somers, of Belem, requests me to present him to you.

This reply, hyperbolical and enigmatical at the time, Benito had heard and remembered. In the meantime the young men could do nothing. More than ever they were reduced to waiting to waiting not for four or five days, but for seven or eight weeks that is to say, for whatever time it would take for the raft to get to Belem. "There is in all this some mystery that I cannot understand," said Benito.

We took the first morning train, so that father could return before evening, and ran through in the course of an hour the wooden suburbs of Belem, bordered by an ancient marsh, from which the sea had long retired. Taking a cab, we turned into Norfolk Street, at the head of which, Ben said, a mile distant, was his father's house.

Belem was damp always, but its midnight damp was worse than any other. Mrs. Somers sent me medicine. Adelaide asked me, with an air of contemplation, what made me sick, and felt her own pulse.