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Poetry, with its aids of Mythology and Romance, must be well allowed for an imaginative creature. Men are ever lapsing into a beggarly habit, wherein everything that is not ciphering, that is, which does not serve the tyrannical animal, is hustled out of sight.

Too often their increasing number drives the mother herself into industry, where her beggarly wages tend to lower the level of those of her husband. The first sickening feature of this general situation is the high infant mortality among the children of the workers.

Everything that Jesus tells us of God all that he has to say of the wonderful and incredible love of God and of God's activity on behalf of his children he now incorporates in the ideal of conduct to which men are called. John's conceptions of righteousness grow beggarly. We are to love our enemies, to win them, to make peace, to be pure and all on the scale of God.

It was the gain of a slave; every sentiment of honour revolted against it; the higher I got, the more was I forced upon my BEGGARLY SYSTEM; the better the coterie, the more children of Art; I languish'd for those of Nature: and one night, after a most vile prostitution of myself to half a dozen different people, I grew sick, went to bed; order'd La Fleur to get me horses in the morning to set out for Italy.

Do you not see, Lady Agnes, it is the only way to free your house of this stumbling-block this beggarly upstart Eustace who, as long as he lives, will never acknowledge Fulk's rights, and would bring up his nephew to the same pride." "And is it possible, Sir Leonard, that brother of mine, and belted Knight, should devise so foul a scheme of treachery! Oh, unsay it again!

But to-morrow the birds have flown, or walked out, one by one, from the hotel, and when the trunk, is opened, there is a beggarly array of brickbats, old boxes, old rags, and carpets, the former having served to render the trunk weighty, the latter to prevent any noise or rolling that might excite suspicion.

"They flung out of their country their ancient and famous nobility they published the audacious doctrine of equality they made a cadet of artillery, a beggarly lawyer's son, into an Emperor, and took ignoramuses from the ranks drummers and privates, by Jove! of whom they made kings, generals, and marshals! Is this to be borne?"

For months the plans for packing the Parliament and for preparing a scheme of anti-Catholic legislation were being concocted, and the Catholic lords, knowing well what was going on, felt so alarmed that they lodged a solemn protest with the king against the erection of towns and corporations "consisting of some few poor and beggarly cottages" into parliamentary boroughs, against the wholesale exclusion of Catholics from office on account of their religion, and conjured the king "to give order that the proceedings of Parliament may be conducted with moderation and indifferency."

Either would, I know, have been rejoiced to help me; while a comparative stranger like yourself " I would be ashamed to set down all he poured out to me in this beggarly vein, or the very short and grudging answers that I made to him.

As it was, with a beggarly thirteen shillings a week to live on, he was little better than a common office-boy, he would have said to himself, but at that particular moment the door opened, and the very individual whom his thoughts connected with the words appeared before him. It was the very last apparition Reginald could have looked for.