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However, you put yourse'f in the hands of me an' Dave, an' we does our best. If you lives through it, the drinks is on you; an' if Texas beefs you which, while deplorable, is none remote considerin' this yere Texas is a reg'lar engine of destruction we sees that your remainder goes back to the States successful.

It must be pain and grief to the German men and women whom our clemency allows to occupy their houses, throng the streets and read the daily Reuter cablegram, to see this town, the apple of their eye, defiled by the "dirty English" the hated "beefs," as they call us from a mistaken idea of our fondness for that tinned delicacy.

Not until he beefs French Pete that is, if he did down him. As for me, I never knew anything about that except what I was told because I was nursin' a busted wrist about that time. All I know was that the boys that hung around here was after him for gettin' me and that he headed out south, stoppin' at Twin Forks and then goin' on south toward the mountains.

Serve like rib or sirloin with dish gravy for each portion. Fillet of Beefs: Cut across diagonally, beginning at thick end. Slices should be no more than half an inch thick. Leg of Lamb: With rounding side up, plunge carving fork in center of roast, and cut in thin, parallel slices across grain to bone. Boned leg of lamb is more easily carved.

Had we beene as free from all sinnes as gluttony, and drunkennesse, we might haue beene canonized for Saints; But our President would never haue beene admitted, for ingrossing to his private, Oatmeale, Sacks, Oyle, Aquavitoe, Beefs, Egges, or what not, but the Kettell; that indeed he allowed equally to be distributed, and that was halfe a pint of wheat, and as much barley boyled with water for a man a day, and this having fryed some 6 weekes in the ships hold, contained as many wormes as graines; so that we might trudy call it rather so much bran than corns, our drinks was water, our lodgings Castles in the ayre.

"Git you Injun" yelled Mr. Hennage. "If he beefs me first you take a hack at him." Sam Singer, weaponless, sprang around the corner of the eating-house, just as O'Rourke, having gained the center of the street, turned, drew his gun down on Harley P. and fired. A suppressed "A-a-h-h" went up from the crowd as the worst man in San Pasqual sprawled forward on his hands and knees.

You see, we have to 'conomise room, as my husband says. But I can talk and work, both; only I've got to keep one ear open A shrill voice cried from the shop: 'Two beefs, 'taters an' greens! One steak-pie, 'taters! Two cups o' tea! 'Right! cried Mrs. Gandle, and proceeded to execute the orders. 'What is this poor girl's name? Mrs. Ormonde asked. 'You didn't mention it.

The man may be grouchy without assuming to give a reason therefor, but when he "beefs" he usually thinks there is cause for it. I knew a man who once lost a good customer just because he beefed when a man to whom he had sold a bill of goods countermanded the order. The merchant was stretching his capital in his business to the limit.

Everybody who worked, everybody who traded with the penny, did something, and every penny was blessed, so lovingly and so zealously was the trading done. It was the Master's talent which they were working with. All the little things that went into the treasury; lead pencils, tacks, $3.00 in one case and $5.00 in another; 'beefs liver, $14.00' think of that!

X. was expensive and soon became poor, Y. was the wise man and kept want from the door. "Now for the grouse!" added he, as the two beefs disappeared, and they took their stations at the top and bottom of the table. "Fine birds, to be sure! Hope you havn't burked your appetites, gentlemen, so as not to be able to do justice to them smell high werry good gamey, in fact.