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"Very possibly: as the lamented Bedott observed, we are all poor creatures. 'I do not speak as one that is exempt: doubtless I have my full share of infirmity." "Then why not take the benefit of it, with the rest of us? There's a better as well as a worse side. Take things as they are, and make the best of them." "I do. The best is the least, and I get away from things as much as possible.

So much for the title. We now open the book, and are immediately in the midst of scenes which have an indescribable familiarity. We have a confused sense of having met these people before. Certainly they have a strong family-likeness to denizens of modern novels. The sewing-circles and small-talk savor of the cheap wit of Widow Bedott.

"Now it is my turn, 'dear Shadrach, my Shad. With the help of 'Widow Bedott, I fancy I can impress this visit upon your mind quite as indelibly as your unwelcome visits in Halifax," and she slipped the loose leaves into her pocket. Still, as yet she had no definite plan in her mind as to how she would play her game of retaliation; but during the evening she heard her father inquire how long Mr.

Purchasing this caricature of a shad, she pasted below it a version of the affectionate lines of Widow Bedott; then enclosing it in an elaborate envelope, she addressed it with many flourishes to: "MR. DANUEL SHADRACH PLAISTED," and carried it herself to the post office.

With his enmity as to Shields, the friend promptly advised him to say "I did it!" This was, in fact, sheer justice, for it was Lincoln's wife who uttered the articles. And, by the way, their style and rustic humor were much in the vein of the "Widow Bedott" and the "Samantha" papers of later times. Mrs. Lincoln was not the mere housekeeper the scribes accuse her of being.

She has been misquoting the 'Widow Bedott' for your benefit," said Mr. Sherwood. "And who is the 'Widow Bedott'?" "She is a character in a most amusing book. Let me advise you to take her as a travelling companion with you to-morrow. After you have read about her Shadrach, the poetry won't trouble you as being too personal." A short time later Mr.

It was the oracular sage, Deacon Bedott, who, in view of the imperfections of his kind, remarked several times in his life: "we are all poor creeturs" a remark that comes as near to being pure truth as any we meet with outside of the Bible and the standard treatises on mathematics. We are, indeed, poor creatures.

"I have it!" she said at last; "the 'Widow Bedott'!" and with the thought she flew up the stairs like a whirlwind. Dexie was soon in the attic kneeling beside an old box filled with books and papers. All housekeepers are apt to know by experience the state and condition of this box, and to possess its counterpart in some out of-the-way corner of the house.