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And then there was the river "where the aspens dusk and quiver," and where barges laden with sweet ladies passed and left ripples of foam on the water and ripples of light laughter in the air as, brilliant and fair bedight, they went winding down to Camelot. This morning she revisited all these hallowed spots. She thrilled on the very verge of the river and quivered amid the waving corn.

When Abou Nuwas saw him, he sighed and repeated the following verses: To me he appeared in a garment of white, His eyes and his eyelids with languor bedight. Quoth I, "Dost thou pass and salutest me not? Though God knows thy greeting were sweet to my spright. Be He blessed who mantled with roses thy cheeks, Who creates, without let, what He will, of His might!"

And, when my lusty fellows sought to apprehend me this rogue, he smote them dolefully and roared in hideous fashion 'Arise Pentavalon! And straightway, at this lewd shout, forth of the crowd leapt many other rogues bedight as gentle knights in noble mail, cap-a-pie, and fell upon us and smote us dire, and stripped me of my goodly apparel, and drave me forth of the town with stripes and blows and laughter most ungentle.

He shut his eyes to let the Lincolnshire gatewarden's words go down to his brain; then with sudden violence he spat out: 'Give me water! What do ah ask but water! Pig! brood of a sow! gi'e me water and choke! Nicholas Hogben fetched a leather bottle as long as his leg, dusty and dinted, but nevertheless bedight with the arms of England, from the stone recess where the guard sheltered at nights.

The chatt'ring Magpye undertook Their wedding breakfast for to cook, He being properly bedight In a cook's cloathing, black and white. The Admiral's favourite game. London Magazine, June, 1823. Thomas Moore's Loves of the Angels was published in 1823. I., cols. 425-426, 1827. Signed "L.," and dated London, February 10, 1827.

Horse-hair furniture in all the glory of endless "tidies" was arranged against walls bedight with a rainbow-like wilderness of morning-glories. The ceiling was of white plaster, and the floor was painted white and decked here and there with knitted rag-carpets, on whose Joseph's-coated surfaces Rebecca loved to gaze when in retrospective mood.

A page came riding up the street, Bringing the knight his jennets fleet, With plumes and harness all bedight And saddled well with housings bright; The lance which he on entering bore Brandished the knight with spirit sore, And dashed it to the wall, And head and butt, at that proud door, In myriad fragments fall.

Hardly had I taken note of all this, when there came out from the alcove a young lady more perfect than the moon at its full, with a forehead brilliant as the morning, when it shines forth, even as says the poet: Upon the imperial necks she walks, a loveling bright, For bride-chambers of kings and emperors bedight.

A stately and a comely matron, she was bedight for her lord's return; weighed as heavy each minute that detained him from her arms. She was still standing by the low mantel, her arm resting lightly upon it, the fire-blaze bringing out lustrous reflections in her drapery and hair, and tinging her pensive check with youthful carmine, when her husband entered.

Now as Beltane stood thus, gazing down at the winding road whose white dust was already mellowing to evening, he beheld one who ran wondrous fleetly despite the ragged cloak that flapped about his long legs, and whose rough-shod feet spurned the dust beneath them so fast 'twas a marvel to behold; moreover as he ran, he bounded hither and thither, and with every bound an arrow sped by him from where, some distance behind, ran divers foresters bedight in a green livery Beltane thought he recognized; but even as Beltane grasped the branches that screened him, minded to swing himself up to the fellow's aid, the fugitive turned aside from the road and came leaping up the slope, but, of a sudden, uttered a loud cry and throwing up his hands fell face down upon the ling and so lay, what time came up one of the pursuers that had outstripped his fellows, but as he paused, his sword shortened for the thrust, up sprang the fugitive, a great axe flashed and whirled and fell, nor need was there for further stroke.