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"Well," said William, loftily, "you won't go talkin' about it, will you?" "Oh, no." "Well, I've seen 'em, you know. Chains an' all. And skeletons. And ghostly arms beckonin' an' all that." William was enjoying himself. He walked with a swagger. He almost believed what he said. She gasped. "Oh, go on!" she said. "Tell me all." He went on.

An' there I was with the spring drippin' all about me, the plains standin' beckonin' to me on every side, just coaxin' to be rode over, an' me walkin' on foot with flat-heeled boots on! I had rode out on Sam Cutler's freighter to within' twenty miles o' the ranch house, an' I built a little fire an' unrolled my blankets; but I couldn't sleep.

"I said to myself, 'He's beckonin' me in for a chat': and no wonder if 'tis true what they're tellin' down in the town." "Well, I wasn't," said Cai, gulping his brandy-and-water hardily. "But what are they tellin'?" "There's some," mused Mr Philp, "as don't approve of solitary drinkin'. Narrow-minded bodies I call 'em.

But say, with your stickin' to that years-and-years idea, what else could we do I ask you?" And then I notices that them straight-cut mouth corners of hers ain't set near so hard as I thought. Her eyes ain't throwin' off sparks, either. They're sort of dewy, in fact. And when she does speak again there's a break in her voice. "Come," says she, beckonin' us up.

"You don't know the risin' hour for us folks at the Bay," returned Denny, with a sly wink. "Freddie couldn't stay abed when the sun is beckonin' on the waves; could you, Freddie?" "Oh, the early Summer mornings are beautiful," replied Freda, "and I am sorry I had to lose so many of them. Who's that? The girls, looking for us! There's Bess puffing, and Belle fluffing.

But this mornin' I got my worst dose. I was trapesing along distreshful an' moighty sore, in a street just away off the Strand here, when I obsarved the docthor-man that was at the Crystial Palace station a-smilin' an' beckonin' at me from a door. "'How are ye now? sez he. 'Well, sez I, 'I'm moighty sore an' sad bruised, sez I. 'Is that so? sez he.

Yonson bats his stupid eyes once or twice, and lets himself be pushed back. "Go on," says J. Q., scowlin'. "I suppose you'll produce next the grandfather of a genius who will head the National Pie Bureau of the next century?" "Not precisely," says Eggy, beckonin' up a black-haired, brown-eyed Polish Jewess. "A potential grandmother this time.

As if a human bein' could keep from the stalkin' whiteness beckonin' from the graveyard. 'Tain't in human power." "Can't anybody keep death away, Matty?" inquired Virginia, an expression of awe clouding her eyes. She was thinking of the man upstairs whom she but twice had called "father." "Nope, not after the warnin' comes to him.

Sam Amos says to me, 'Well, Aunt Jane, Marthy's waited a long time, but she'll have her innin's now. "Bush Elrod was the first one to go under the water; and when two or three more had been babtized, it was young Amos' time. I saw Marthy pushin' him forward and beckonin' to Brother Gyardner like she couldn't wait any longer. "Nobody never did know exactly how it happened.

When the hull world lay hid in a rosy mist, and they wuz the centre of it, and life wuz new, and hope and happiness gilded the future, and the Fairy land of America wuz beckonin' to 'em out of the rosy mist. Fifty years of dusty, smoky tenement life, hard work, child-birth, rearing children, toil, disappointment, pain where wuz they? They had all gone.