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Cumming thus describes his encounter with some rhinoceroses and an eland, in the country of the Bechuanas. It was on the 4th of June, 1844, that I beheld for the first time the rhinoceros. Having taken some coffee, I rode out unattended, with my rifle, and before proceeding far I fell in with a huge white rhinoceros with a large calf, standing in a thorny grove.

It runs in small troops, and is found in the country of the Bechuanas, who hunt it for its flesh. The Stein-boc is one of the slenderest and most graceful of antelopes. It lives upon stony plains and in mountain valleys in South Africa hence its name of stein-boc, or stone buck. It is very swift, and, when at full speed, will often spring over fifteen feet at a single leap.

In going north again, a comet blazed on our sight, exciting the wonder of every tribe we visited. That of 1816 had been followed by an irruption of the Matebele, the most cruel enemies the Bechuanas ever knew, and this they thought might portend something as bad, or it might only foreshadow the death of some great chief.

The Bechuanas, a Caffre tribe, employed formerly the word 'Morimo, to designate 'Him that is above' or 'Him that is in heaven' and attached to the word the notion of a supreme Divine Being.

The dread of visits from Bechuanas of strange tribes causes the Bakalahari to choose their residences far from water; and they not unfrequently hide their supplies by filling the pits with sand and making a fire over the spot. When they wish to draw water for use, the women come with twenty or thirty of their water-vessels in a bag or net on their backs.

The Griquas and Bechuanas were in former times clad much like the Caffres, if such a word may be used where there is scarcely any clothing at all.

The undulating country around was covered with warriors Griquas, Mantatees and Bechuanas, all in motion so that it was impossible to say who were enemies and who were friends.

It was from the country of the Bechuanas, though nearly all Cape oxen grow horns of vast dimensions. Of course it was used to carry the field-cornet's powder, and, if full, it must have contained half-a-dozen pounds at least!

And with respect to their loathing of pork, it may have some foundation in their nature; for I have known Bechuanas, who had no prejudice against the wild animal, and ate the tame without scruple, yet, unconscious of any cause of disgust, vomit it again. The Bechuanas south of the lake have a prejudice against eating fish, and allege a disgust to eating any thing like a serpent.

Tell them, Swart that we don't believe them." The Bushman did as he was desired, but the Bechuanas only reiterated their previous statement. "What nonsense!" exclaimed Arend. "They take us for such fools as to suppose people can live without water! They have a supply somewhere. We must make a search for it and help ourselves." "No, baas Arend," interposed Swartboy. "Don't do this.