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"Sister, sister!" exclaimed Joel, "becalm, I beseech you, and hear what Mister Sylvius has to say." "Yes, be calm, my children, and let us talk the matter over quietly. It was between the fifteenth and twentieth of May that Ole expected to return to Bergen, was it not?" "Yes; and it is now the ninth of June."

Adrienne," said M. Baleinier, in a voice full of the softest unction, "becalm it is all over now. You have in me a devoted friend." As he pronounced these last words, he blushed in spite of his diabolical craft.

"You remember what you said, Kate, when I brought you that last letter from Kimberley that if next morning you found it was a mistake " "Is it a mistake?" she asked. "Becalm, Kate." "I am quite calm, dear. I remember I said it would kill me. But I was very foolish. I should not say so now. Is Pete alive?" She spoke without a tremor, and he answered in a husky whisper, "Yes."

Remember their dying mother entrusted them to my care 'tis sacred, you see and with them, I am like an old hen after her chickens," added he, laughing to enliven Frances. "Yes, you are right in loving them!" "Come, then becalm you know me of old. With my great, hoarse voice, I am not so bad a fellow at bottom.

I only hope he will not make a mistake and becalm us till we get up to her." In another hour or less the stranger was seen floating in the middle of a shining sheet of water of silvery hue. Still the frigate carried on the breeze. It was a question whether the stranger would get it, and perhaps make a fresh start, leaving her pursuer in the lurch.

The lulling sounds of the waterfall, the fragrance and the dusk combined to becalm my spirits, and, in a short time, to sink me into sleep. Either the uneasiness of my posture, or some slight indisposition molested my repose with dreams of no cheerful hue.

Under two lower topsails and a reefed foresail the barque seemed to race with a long, steady sea that did not becalm her in the troughs.

I will never risk becoming your executioner; but reckon on me, I will not forsake you. Your honour is as dear to me as your life. Becalm, and henceforth think that the peril is mine, not yours. Make up your mind that I shall find some way of escape, and that there will be no need to cut short that life, to preserve which I would gladly die.

Phillis put her arms about her, and drew her into the dining-room, where she made her sit down. "Becalm," she said. "They will not keep him." "You know some way?" "We will find a way. I promise you that they will not keep him." "You are sure?" "I promise you." "You give me life. But how did you know?" "He wrote to me. The concierge gave me his letter, which had just come." "What does he say?"

"Ah, Lambkin; with closed ears thou dost not becalm sight and wit, they cease not to fructify under suasion of childhood impregnations. I fear not for thee, if thou art forewarned.