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Let me have my breakfast as soon as you can, for I must be off again to the cove. I did not intend to have slept so late." "Why, what's in the wind now, Mr Forster?" said the old lady, borrowing one of his nautical phrases. "If you wish to know, Mrs Beazeley, the sooner you allow me to get out of bed, the sooner I shall be able to give you the information you require."

I believe all you say, in spite of the old woman and the devil to boot and there's my hand upon it." "Why not tell why not tell?" muttered Mrs Beazeley, shaking her head, and working at her net faster than ever. But I had resolved to tell, and did so, narrating distinctly the circumstances by which the money had been obtained.

"I will," replied I; "and my dear Mrs Beazeley, you must prepare yourself for different tidings than what you expect. Tom is not yet shot." "Not dead!" shrieked the old woman. "Not yet, Jacob;" cried old Tom, seizing me by the arm, and squeezing it with the force of a vice, as he looked me earnestly in the face. "He lives; and I am in hopes he will be pardoned."

Their departure was deeply felt both by Forster and his charge; and before they could recover from the loss; another severe trial awaited them in the death of Mrs Beazeley, who, full of years and rheumatism, was gathered to her fathers.

Poor Tom Beazeley was fairly entrapped by her charms, and was a constant attendant upon her, but she played him fast and loose one time encouraging and smiling on him, at another rejecting and flouting him. Still Tom persevered, for he was fascinated, and having returned me the money advanced for his wherry, he expended all his earnings on dressing himself smartly, and making presents to her.

"I did, indeed, Mrs Beazeley," replied Forster; "it's the signal of a vessel in distress, and she must be on a dead lee-shore. Give me my hat!" and draining off the remainder in his tumbler, while the old lady reached his hat off a peg in the passage, he darted out from the door of his tenement.

Mrs Beazeley, the housekeeper, was a good-tempered woman, long passed the grand climacteric, and strongly attached to Forster, with whom she had resided many years. But, like all women, whether married or single, who have the responsibility of a household, she would have her own way; and scolded her master with as little ceremony as if she had been united to him by matrimonial bonds.

Now, get a large board, with `Boats built to order, and boats repaired, by Tom Beazeley. You know if any man is fool enough to order a boat, that's his concern; you didn't say you're a boat-builder, although you have no objection to try your hand." "What do you say Jacob?" said old Tom, appealing to me. "I think that Tom has given very good advice, and I would follow it." "Ah!

I was asked into the cabin, and stated to him what had occurred, requesting his assistance, if possible. "Faithful," replied he, "it appears that Tom Beazeley has deserted twice; still there is much extenuation; at all events, the punishment of death is too severe, and I don't like it I can save him, and I will.

"That I will, with pleasure, and without asking what you intend to do with it, Jacob. How much do you require?" "Thirty pounds, if there is so much." Mr Drummond went down, and in a few minutes returned with the sum in notes and guineas. I thanked him, and shortly afterwards took my leave. "Did not young Beazeley tell you I had something for you, Jacob?" said Sarah, as I wished her good-bye.