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But where did the young girls receive the education which gave them such prestigethat consummate art of conversation exemplified in Mme. de Boufflers, Mme. de Luxembourg, Mme. de Sabran, the Duchess of Choiseul, the Princess of Beauvau, the Countess of Ségur?

She felt half lost in those vast, cold salons of that ancient Hôtel Beauvau, cold in spite of their stoves, and which partook at one and the same time of the provisional domicile and the furnished apartment, with its defaced gilded panels, and here and there a crack in the ceiling, and those vulgar ornaments, those wearisome imitation Chardins with their cracked colors and those old-fashioned pictures of Roqueplan, giving to everything at once one date, a bygone style.

At the same time, M. Alison, first consul at Nismes, confirmed the statement by three witnesses, in presence of the secretary of the Prince de Beauvau. The result was, that Jean Fabre was completely exonerated from the charge on account of which he had been sent to the galleys. He was now a free man, and at last married the young lady who had loved him so long and so devotedly.

"What can I do to help it," said she; "my sister-in-law is a simpleton; who, after having ruined her brother, will certainly cause the downfall of her husband. I beseech you, my dear, out of regard for me, to put up with the unthinking conduct of the prince de Beauvau for a little while; he will soon see his error and amend it."

He burned the paper at a candle. "I am imprudent," he said to himself. "Poor Adrienne! I should not like to cause her any distress." She was overjoyed as she made the journey in the ministerial carriage from Place Beauvau to the Gersons' mansion. At last she had a rapid, stolen moment in which she could recover the old-time joy of happy solitude, full of the exquisite agitation of former days.

Clear as crystal, says one; dexterously obscure by design, says another. "Rumor that the Grand-Duke of Lorraine," Maria Theresa's Husband, "was at Reinsberg incognito lately," Grand-Duke a concerting party, think people looking into the thing with strong spectacles on their nose! Very astonishing to Jordan. No. 3. "BERLIN, 20th DECEMBER. M. de Beauvau," French Ambassador, "is gone.

Madame Vaudrey drew no real pleasure from the commonplace receptions at the ministry, or at her Wednesday at homes, except when by chance, Denis Ramel permitted himself to abandon the Batignolles to call at Place Beauvau, or when Guy enlivened this dull spot by recounting the happenings of the outside world. Adrienne felt herself terribly isolated; she knew hardly any one in Paris.

"That you were to go at once to-night by car to the Hotel de Paris, at Cette. A car and driver awaits you at the Garage Beauvau, in the Rue Beauvau. I have arranged everything at The Sparrow's orders. You are one of Us, I understand," and the man laughed lightly. "But my bag?" exclaimed Hugh. "Go to the hotel, pay your bill, and take your bag to the station cloak-room.

He had no idea, while privately settled at Ganges as a silk stocking maker, that great people in France were interesting themselves about his fate. The Duchesse de Grammont, sister of the Duc de Choiseul, had heard about him from her brother; and the Prince de Beauvau, governor of Languedoc, the Duchesse de Villeroy, and many other distinguished personages, were celebrating his heroism.

The duc de Duras asked her, in presence of the king and myself, why she did not wear her diamonds as usual. "They are my representatives," was her reply. "What do you mean by representatives?" said I. "Why, my dear countess, they are with a Jew instead of my sign-manual. The rogue had no respect for the word of a relation of the Holy Virgin and the daughter of the Beauvau.