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"There's lots o' beau'ful rooms that we could live in," resumed Roseen, "an' we'd make a fire in that great big enormous stone hearth beyant, an' we'd ate off o' that big stone table, an' when anybody 'ud offer to come annoyin' us, we'd just melt a bit o' lead an' throw it down on them." Mike looked astonished and perturbed. "Sure it 'ud burn the flesh off o' their bones.

"But we're ALMOST on earth again," cried Dorothy, "for there is the sun the most BEAU'FUL sun that shines!" and she pointed eagerly at the crack in the distant roof. "Almost on earth isn't being there," said the kitten, in a discontented tone. "It wouldn't be possible for even me to get up to that crack or through it if I got there."

I am t'inkin' of de lonely life in de woods, wif no nice young men to look at yer pretty face, lubly eyes, an' beau'ful hair. An' ye'll hab no chance to wear fine clothes an' be admired." "Mammy." There was a note in the girl's voice which caused the colored woman to glance quickly up. "What is it, chile?" "I want to tell you something, Mammy.

It doan seems nat'ral to me fo' de Lo'd to let King George lose a good an' beau'ful country, an' den gib him sich a jumpin'-off place as dis instead. An', chile, I doan believe dat de Lo'd ever meant yo' to come here." "Why, Mammy? Do I look any the worse for it?" "Yo' couldn't look worse, Missie Jean, not if yo' tried ebber so hard."

"Come, come, Mammy, I am surprised at you," and the girl's eyes sparkled with merriment. "What do you mean by saying I couldn't look worse? I didn't know I was as hideous as all that." "I didn't say yo' was hidjus, Missie Jean. I jes said yo' couldn't look worse, an' ye can't. Yo' kin only look beau'ful.

I nebber saw yo' look better'n yo' do jes now, wif yo' hair fixed up so nice, de lobely col'r in yo' cheeks, an' wearin' dat beau'ful dress yo' brung from Ol' Connec." Jean turned and smiled upon the woman. She had been standing at the open door for some time, watching and listening for the hunters. "You must not flatter me, Mammy, or you will make me vain," she replied.