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He instantly threw forward Marcellus Bax with four squadrons of Bergen cavalry, who, jaded as they were by their day's work, were to watch the bridge that night, and to hold it against all comers and at every hazard.

Denham frowned portentously, and that peculiarly dead calm which usually precedes the bursting of a storm prevailed in the office. Before the storm burst, however, the outer door was opened hastily and our friend Bax stood in the room. He was somewhat dishevelled in appearance, as if he had travelled fast. To the clerks in that small office he appeared more fierce and gigantic than usual.

In a few minutes after the orders given to Hohenlo, that dashing soldier had circumvented the Spaniards, and emerged upon the plain between them and the entrance to the defile, The next instant the trumpets sounded a charge, and Hohenlo fell upon the foremost regiment, that of Sultz, while the rearguard, consisting of Trevico's Neapolitan regiment, was assailed by Du Bois, Donck, Rysoir, Marcellus Bax, and Sir Francis Vere.

"So we might, so we might, Tommy; who knows? Some one should have been here anyhow. It seems to me that things ain't well managed in these days. They haven't half enough of appliances to save life, that's a fact." Bax said this somewhat sternly. "Whose fault is it, Bax?" said Tommy, looking up in his friend's face.

Precious, significant, half-minutes those, as much so as are the last few grains of sand in the hour-glass! "Keep her away two points," cried Bax. "Ay, ay, sir," answered the steersman. At that moment a violent gust snapped the topsail-yard, and the sail was instantly blown to ribbons.

Just as Lucy was placed by Bax in a position of comparative shelter under the lee of the quarter-rails, the "Nancy" struck a second time with fearful violence; she remained hard and fast on the sands, and the shock sent her foremast overboard. If the condition of the little vessel was terrible before, its position now was beyond description awful.

"Is that old Jeph the smuggler, sometimes called the mad philosopher, from the circumstance of his mind being much taken up with odd notions about lifeboats?" inquired the missionary. "The same," replied Bax, "though I'll go bound for it there's not an honester man in Deal than old Jeph is now, whatever he may have done in the smuggling way when he was young.

Very different, however, were the feelings with which they beheld the approach of the lifeboat, which the practised eye of Bax discerned long before she came alongside. "The lifeboat!" said Bax sharply in the ear of Bluenose, who was close beside him. "Look! am I right?" "So 'tis, I do believe," cried the captain, staring intently in the direction indicated by his friend's outstretched hand.

Red House. And one of them was Mrs. Bax of all people in the world! And she was smoking a cigarette. So now we knew where the smell of tobacco came from, in the White House. We said, "Oh!" in one breath, and were silent. "Is it possible," said Mrs. Bax, "that these are the Sunday-school children I've been living with these three long days?"

Besides these young gentlemen, several of the most famous English and Dutch commanders were on, the expedition; the brothers Paul and Marcellus Bax, Captains Parker, Cutler, and Robert Vere, brother of Sir Francis, among the number. Early in the morning of the 2nd September the force crossed the Lippe, according to orders, keeping a pontoon across the stream to secure their retreat.