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"Aweel, sir," continued Jarvie, "and doubtless such a friend wad expect ye to appear when ca'd on, and relieve him o' his engagement." "And I should do so as certainly, bating sickness or death, as that two and two make four." "Aweel, Mr. Owen," resumed the citizen of Glasgow, "I dinna misdoubt ye, and I'll prove it, sir I'll prove it.

Darcy, said Honor, 'I prophesied the same thing; and, if God hasn't said it, he'll be coming home a corpse to me some day or other; for he got as much bating, sir, as would be enough to kill a horse; and, to tell you God's truth, sir, he's breeding up his childher

"The devil he is! If this should turn out to be true, Floating Tom, a pretty trap were we about to pull down on our heads! Huron, there! Well, this may be so; but no signs can I see of any thing, near or about the old hut, but logs, water, and bark bating two or three windows, and one door."

They opened a man's head with a stone, producing a dreadful scalp wound, and when Doctor Croly, the greatest favourite in the whole island, went to dress the wound, five or six of them stopped his horse, with the object of giving him a 'bating, which would have ended nobody knows how. The doctor produced a revolver, and the heroes vanished like smoke."

With a call to the others to stand steady and wait for me, I wheeled my mare about and rode off in chase, to round him up. The almost total darkness made this hunting mighty unpleasant; but I knew that, bating the chance of being flung by a mole-hill, I had my gentleman safe enough.

Bating the profane epithet, we give the angry Scotchman credit for his sagacity. The observation would not have disgraced his countryman, David Hume. Simon, the priest, enjoyed one great and envied privilege, which John never pretended to, namely, an acquaintance and intercourse with the angel Gabriel. He had many revelations from this celestial messenger, and related them to his church.

"Well, Barney, since you won't trust me, and I have no money, you must take the letter back. It might bring me good news I have had nothing but bad of late." "And sure enough it might bring you good news. Then, your honour shall take the letter and I'll take the bating;" and the good-natured lad pulled out the letter from his pocket, and gave it to Rainscourt.

Neither is Desdemona to be altogether condemned for the unsuitableness of the person whom she selected for her lover. Bating that Othello was black, the noble Moor wanted nothing which might recommend him to the affections of the greatest lady.

"They gave me the name up at Mulhuldad there, for bating one M'Clancy with a flail." "A very good reason. So you got the name because you beat a certain M'Clancy with a flail?" "I didn't say that; I only said they gave me the name because they said I bate him." "Were you ever called 'Fire-the-Haggard'?" "I was, often." "For no reason, of course?" "Divil a may son.

His Worship, however, kindly recognized me, and put me on speaking-terms with two or three gentlemen, whom I found very affable, and all the more hospitably attentive on the score of my nationality. It is very singular how kind an Englishman will almost invariably be to an individual American, without ever bating a jot of his prejudice against the American character in the lump.