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In passing, Alexandra feeling the situation to be a little odd, yet bravely, showed her the back stairway and the bathroom, and murmured something about books being in the little room off the drawing-room downstairs. Justine smiled brightly. "Oh, I brought several books with me," she said, "and I subscribe to two weekly magazines and one monthly. So usually I have enough to read." "How do you do?

After an hour or so, Barbara summoned me from my contemplative occupation. "Yes, dear?" said I, at the library window. "Have you written to Rogers?" Rogers was a plumber. "He's a degraded wretch," said I, "and unworthy of receiving a letter from a clean-minded man." "Meanwhile," said Barbara, "the servants' bathroom continues to be unusable."

Isaacs," a book of sermons by an eminent clergyman, "Innocents Abroad," Hare's "Walks in Rome," "When a Man's Single," by Barrie, a book of meditations, and "Organized Charities for Women." Adjoining the bedroom was a bathroom in proportion, evidently all her own, with a huge porcelain tub and a table set with toilet bottles containing liquids of various colours.

Bathrooms, water-supplies, lighting, heating, and the whole array of domestic comforts, were unknown at Quincy. Boston had already a bathroom, a water-supply, a furnace, and gas. The superiority of Boston was evident, but a child liked it no better for that.

His four-poster, the huge couch at the foot of his bed, and all the furniture about the room, was of the Queen Anne period. The bathroom which communicated with his apartment was the latest triumph of the plumber's art a room with floor and walls of white tiles, the bath itself a little sunken and twice the ordinary size.

It must suffice if you find in this letter a sketch or two not worthy to be called a study of particular spots which seem typical, beginning with my bathroom window, as the scene which first proved to me, at least, that we were verily in the Tropics. You look out would that you did look in fact! over the low sill.

Here's the closet. Range, refrigerator, combination sink and laundry tub. Living room's all panelled in ivory. Shower in the bathroom. Buffet kitchen. Breakfast room has folding-leaf Italian table. Look at the chairs. Aren't they darlings! Built-in book shelves " "Oh, well, we can use them for fancy china and ornaments. Or oh, look! you could keep your stuff there. Tools and all.

He hurried her to the bathroom, turned on warm water, and bathed and cleansed the bad gash. Then, still holding the hand, he turned cold water on it, uttering broken phrases of astonishment and concern. "Good Lord, how did that happen! As far as I knew I'd ... is this water too cold? Does that hurt? I can't imagine how on earth ... there; that'll do "

In electrical supplies we found the show windows up to the American average, which is high indeed; but in plumbing there was a sag. We discovered that the town had comparatively few sewers. The big, white-tiled bathroom with its carload of modern fixtures which adorns the show window of at least one plumber's shop in every American town we missed. The bathtub is not a household need in France.

"They are so pretty!" She ran up the stairs, around the passage, and ushered me into the room of graceful adventure and grotesque nightmare. I stopped on the threshold. I had ordered the partition removed between the two chambers on this side, giving me one large room. This, with the little bathroom attached, occupied the entire large frontage of the house.