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That explains your Judgment of Flatters. "For my part, my dear fellow, my first garrison was at Boghar. I arrived there one morning in October, a second lieutenant, aged twenty, of the First African Batallion, the white chevron on my black sleeve.... Sun stripe, as the bagnards say in speaking of their grades. Boghar!

Thermometer at five P.M. 17 degrees centigrade. In 1840, the Tenth Chasseurs-a-Pied were commanded by Patrice de MacMahon, then a major and afterwards Marshal of France and Duc de Magenta, and whose name is remembered by the corps in their march song: "L' dixiem' batallion, Commandant Mac-Mahon, N'a pas peur du canon, Nom de nom!" The captured flag is of magenta colored silk, with a white St.

The batallion marches out to the sound of the drum and fife; they are soon down the hill they enter their boats; handkerchiefs are waved from the fort, caps are raised and flourished over the water they are almost out of sight they are gone."

In the vestibule a few youths dressed in peasant style, with military caps, soldiers of the garrison who served as orderlies; within the dining-room, subaltern officers of a batallion of light infantry, young lieutenants who were smoking with a bored mien and gazing through the windows at the immense blue expanse like prisoners of the sea.

Bonaparte now went to Nice as chief of batallion in the army of Italy; but having incurred the displeasure of a suspicious home government, he was shortly superseded, and lived in retirement with his family at Marseilles for a brief time. Here he fell in love again, and would have married Mademoiselle Clery, whom he afterwards made Queen of Sweden, had he not been so wretchedly poor.

The regiment broke camp about the 20th day of August, moving by the way of Crab Orchard and London, crossing the Cumberland river at Williamsburg, about the 25th. Here, one batallion of the 7th, under Major McIntyre, was thrown out in front as the advance of Gen. Burnside's command, and held that post of honor during the whole march, until they reached the railroad at Lenoir Station.

The next day Luys de Moscoso, Master of the Campe set the men in order, the horsemen in three squadrons, the Vantgard, the Batallion, and the Rerewarde: and so they marched that day, and the day following, compassing great Creekes which came out of the Bay: They came to the towne of Vcita, where the Gouernour was, on Sunday the first of Iune, being Trinitie Sunday.

It was with difficulty 100 men could be collected in the trenches, but about that number advanced and occupied the deserted position. In the meantime the word was passed from post to post in their rear, and a batallion was soon on its way after them.

He was obliged to concede a privilege of limping, but he would not stop. At nightfall they halted with the outpost batallion of the infantry. All the cavalry had in the meantirne come up and they saw their old friends. There was a village from which the Christian peasants came and cheered like a trained chorus. Soldiers were driving a great flock of fat sheep into a corral.

If a Majorcan batallion received orders to march to Spain in case of war, the soldiers mutinied, broke out of their barracks and sacked "the street."