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"We've taken the liberty of calling, in the name of the church, to congratulate you, Mr. Drake," said their leader, rising with the rest as the minister entered the dining-room. "Thank you," returned the minister quietly. "I fancy," said the other, who was Barwood himself, with a smile such as heralds the facetious, "you will hardly condescend to receive our little gratuity now?"

"I am obliged to you for calling," said Mr. Drake, " especially to you, Mr. Barwood, because it gives me an opportunity of confessing a fault of omission on my part toward you." Here the pastor was wrong. Not having done his duty when he ought, he should have said nothing now it was needless for the wronged, and likely only to irritate the wrong-doer. "Don't mention it, pray," said Mr. Barwood.

Barwood's countenance changed: he bethought himself that the conveyance was not completed, and half started from his chair. "You would never go to do such an unneighborly act," he cried, "as " " As conspire to bring down the value of a property the moment it had passed out of my hands? I would not, Mr. Barwood; and this very day the intending purchaser shall know of your project."

We were in no small peril of simple starvation." "Bless my soul! we hadn't an idea of such a thing, sir! Why didn't you tell us?" Mr. Drake smiled, and made no other reply. "Well, sir," resumed Barwood, after a very brief pause, for he was a man of magnificent assurance, "as it's all turned out so well, you'll let bygones be bygones, and give us a hand?"

But the pastor's face looked stern, and the voices dropped into rebuked silence. "At least you'll allow, sir," persisted Barwood, "that the house of God ought to be as good as the houses of his people. It stands to reason. Depend upon it, He won't give us no success till we give Him a decent house. What! are we to dwell in houses of cedar, and the ark of the Lord in a tent?

Barwood locked his teeth together, and grinned with rage. He jumped from his seat, knocked it over in getting his hat from under it, and rushed out of the house. Mr. Drake smiled, and looking calmly round on the rest of the deacons, held his peace. It was a very awkward moment for them. At length one of them, a small tradesman, ventured to speak.

Vegetable adjective colours are Brazil wood, containing the dye-generating principle Brasilin, logwood, containing Hæmatein, and santal-wood, camwood, and barwood, containing Santalin. Animal adjective colours are cochineal and lac dye.

If this be true, here again is a sad wrong: what can those people think of religion so represented?" "I am a sinful man," exclaimed the pastor. "That Barwood is one of the deacons. He is the owner of the chapel as well as the cottages. I ought to have spoken to him years ago. But," he cried, starting to his feet, "the property is for sale! I saw it in the paper this very morning! Thank God!"

"I understand you wish to sell the chapel," said Mr. Drake. "Is it not rather imprudent to bring down the value of your property before you have got rid of it?" Barwood smiled a superior smile. He considered the bargain safe, and thought the purchaser a man who was certain to pull the chapel down. "I know who the intending purchaser is," said Mr. Drake, "and "

That's what it comes to, sir!" The pastor's spiritual gorge rose at this paganism in Jew clothing. "You think God loves newness and finery better than the old walls where generations have worshiped?" he said. "I make no doubt of it, sir," answered Barwood. "What's generations to him! He wants the people drawn to His house; and what there is in Cow-lane to draw is more than I know."