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This Peter Crawley, some years before our tale, lay crushed beneath a barrowful of debts many of them to publicans. In him others saw a cunning fool and a sot Meadows an unscrupulous tool.

'My dear frien'! he cried, 'good-bye, my dear frien'! tears of kummel standing in his eyes; the king lurched as he went, the courtier ambled, a strange party of intoxicated children to be entrusted with that barrowful of madness. You could never say the town was quiet; all morning there was a ferment in the air, an aimless movement and congregation of natives in the street.

A shower having fallen the day before, Robinson found water in a hole not far distant. He filled his calabash and returned; meantime George and Jacky had got together nearly a barrowful of the brown or rather chocolate-colored clay, mixed slightly with the upper and lower strata, the gray and white. "I want yon calabash and George's as well."

Even lugs 'em down to the store in a suitcase and sells as high as $20 worth a week, they say. I hear he did start peddlin' 'em around the neighborhood once, but the grand duchess raised such a howl he had to quit. You're liable to see him wheelin' in a barrowful of manure any time, though." "Ought to be some sight," says Garvey. "Cucumbers! Any more like him?"

The small telescope was mounted in the top-floor, the new apparatus, boxes, bottles, and jars were placed on tables and shelves in the middle floor, and the two great glass discs were carefully carried into the stone-floored basement, where a cask was stood up on end, a hole made in the head, and barrowful after barrowful of the fine silver sand plentiful in amongst the pine-trees was wheeled up and poured in, like so much water, with a big funnel, till the cask was full.

More by token Chirsty Lamby had seen him rolling home a barrowful of firewood early in the morning, her having risen to hold cold water in her mouth, being down with the toothache. When we got up to the hill everybody was making for the quarry, which being more sheltered was now thought to be a better place for the bonfire.

Perhaps Purday was as much astonished as the rest; but, after all, much as the children tormented his bonfires, overset his haycocks, and disturbed his wood-pile, he did not like anyone to scold them but himself, much less the new London Lady; so he made up an odd sort of grin, and said, "No, no, Ma'am, it ain't that they do so much harm; let 'em bide;" and he proceeded to shake on the rest of his barrowful, tumbling the weeds down over David's cherished oven in utter disregard; but the children cried with one voice, "Hurrah! hurrah!

Suddenly the lions began to roar, the tigers to snarl, and all to get very much excited about something, sniffing at the openings, thrusting their paws through the bars, and lashing their tails impatiently. I couldn't imagine what the trouble was, till, far down the line, I saw a man with a barrowful of lumps of raw meat.

I often walked to town in his company, and admired with him the gorgeous apple blossoms of the trees in the valley now filled up by the railway. We stood together one day in 1846 or 1847, and saw the first barrowful of soil removed from the canal bank, near the Crescent bridge, to form the opening which is now the railway tunnel. In private life few men have been more generally beloved.

He glanced behind at the retreating figure of the flower woman. "If happiness is so easily purchased," he said, "what a pity it is that I did not buy the barrowful!" "It isn't a matter of quantity at all," she assured him. "One blossom would have been enough and you were really frightfully extravagant." She drifted into silence.