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Caillette passed hours of dreadful anxiety, and when a ragpicker told her that he saw a woman who answered her description pass the Barriere d'Italie on a milk-wagon, she thought him a messenger of God.

The crowd was very thick here; the Barriere Menilmontant was close by, and beyond it there was the cemetery of Pere Lachaise.

"Good; this foolish dream, you will think no more of it, I hope?" "I will endeavor." "Ah! well, you will call for us at four o'clock? the diligence starts at five." "It is agreed upon. But here we are in Paris; I will stop the coach, and go on foot to the Barriere Charenton; I will await M. Rudolph, to see him pass." The carriage stopped, and the Slasher got out.

Chauvelin called in on the Commissary, who assured him that the men were at their post. Thus satisfied, he crossed the Barriere and started at a brisk walk down the long stretch of the Chemin de Pantin. The night was dark. The rolling clouds overhead hid the face of the moon and presaged the storm.

On Friday night, while those who formerly were called les maitres des basses oeuvres* were erecting the scaffold at the Barriere de Fontainebleau, the rapporteur of the court-martial, accompanied by the clerk of the court, repaired to the Fort of Vanves. * The executioner in France is officially styled l'executeur des hautes-oeuvres. Daix and Lahr, who were to die, were sleeping.

It was also there, one evening, that we adopted our never-to-be-forgotten aliases Rag and Bobtail. We had chanced upon a chum of ours named Sprenk lounging across that old barrière, and some fortuitous circumstance having revealed the fact that his initials were T.A.G., we forthwith dubbed him Tag. Out of that very naturally grew the further development: Rag, Tag, and Bobtail.

"Still, never mind," the young detective mentally exclaimed, "no one ever tastes perfect happiness here below." And concentrating all his thoughts on the task before him, he hurried on his way. When, after a rapid walk of twenty minutes, Lecoq reached the police station near the Barriere d'Italie, the doorkeeper, with his pipe in his mouth, was pacing slowly to and fro before the guard-house.

He began his day by breakfasting substantially a bad beginning when one wants to employ the head, but an excellent precaution when one wants to work the body; and about two o'clock he had his two horses saddled, and followed by Planchet he quitted Paris by the Barriere de la Villete.

The result was to be announced to them by D'Avranches himself, who, at three o'clock, should be at the Barrière du Trône with two horses, one for himself, the other for the chevalier. He was to follow D'Harmental at a distance, and return to announce what had passed.

They went long distances, passing the Barriere d'Enfer, reaching unknown parts, which produced the same effect upon an inhabitant of Rue Montmartre as the places upon an old map of the world, marked with the mysterious words 'Mare ignotum', would upon a savant of the Middle Ages. There were many houses in this ancient suburb; curious old buildings, nearly all of one story.