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This determination arose from the fact, well authenticated, that hundreds who had marched out of Vera Cruz on parole had gone direct to Cerro Gordo, with the intention of fighting us again; and no doubt some of these honourable soldiers were among the gentry now climbing down the barranca.

There had been rain two days before, and as there was still a bit of stream trickling along at the bottom of the barranca, we went down there and had a wash, and brushed our teeth. Greatest luxury imaginable, a toothbrush, on this sort of expedition.

The waters rise; already they are nearly up to our armpits. It is in vain to resist any longer. Our fate is sealed. "Rowley, all is over let us die like men. God have mercy on our souls!" Rowley was a few paces higher up the barranca. He made me no answer, but looked at me with a calm, cold, and yet somewhat regretful smile upon his countenance.

And Frank, we'll never again have anything like the fun we had in that old barranca. It makes my blood just jump through my veins to think of it." "You're right," said Frank, "I don't believe we ever will!" But like many other persons who cannot look ahead even one hour, and know what the future holds for them, both the saddle boys were very much mistaken.

From this point a fine view is obtained of Parana in the distance, stretching along its high barranca, with its white houses and belfries in bold relief against the blue sky, and borrowing from the elevation on which it stands a delusively majestic aspect. As the Republica ascends the river the cliffs continue to be the prevailing feature of the shore-scenery.

We sat on our horses, facing the globe-shaped summit of El Telegrafo, and watching our flag as it swung out from the tower. "Look yonder! what is that?" cried an officer, pointing across the barranca. All eyes were now turned in the direction indicated. A white line was slowly moving down the face of the opposite cliff.

Then I could hear a muttering of many voices and the trampling of horses as they galloped towards me. I wondered that none of them had yet answered my signal; but my wonder was changed into consternation when I perceived that the approaching party were on the other side of the barranca! Before I could recover from my surprise, they were opposite me and reining up on the bank of the chasm.

Cactuses of many species complete the picture of the vegetation in this beautiful spot. This is at the top of the barranca. Then imagine a valley a mile or two in width, with sides almost perpendicular and capped with basaltic pillars, and at the bottom a strip of land where the vegetation is of the deepest green of the tropics, with a river winding along among palm-trees and bananas.

That this may be done in a proper and becoming manner, they propose that twenty warriors be chosen on each side; that these warriors shall lay down their arms on the prairie in presence of all; that they shall then conduct their captives to the crossing of the barranca by the mine, and there settle the terms of their exchange; that all the others on both sides shall remain where they now are, until the unarmed warriors have got back with the exchanged prisoners; that the white banners shall then be struck, and both sides be freed from the treaty.

By peeping round the rock, I could see out of the cave and some distance over the bottom of the barranca, where the bushes grew thin and straggling. I had hardly seated myself when my attention was called to a scene that was passing outside. Two men on their hands and knees were crawling through the cactus plants in front of the cave.