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Meanwhile the front German line, pinned between our barrage behind them and the Canal, taken in front and rear, and attacked by the 56th Division, had nothing to do but surrender. A great triumph!"

Dense masses of Austrians preceded by a heavy barrage fire counterattacked in an attempt to stop the Italian progress, but each time were driven back with heavy loss. In the evening the Austrians withdrew their infantry, and concentrated a strong artillery fire on the lost positions. These the Italians firmly maintained.

And the sulphuric smell of the barrage was gone. The air now smelt of earth the heavy, close air of underground. I do not know how far down we went. A thousand feet perhaps. The thing surprised me. Yet in those moments my mind encompassed it; and many of Tarrano's motives which I had not reasoned out before now seemed plain. He had come from Venus to the Earth, possibly several months ago.

Some three hundred yards of open space lay between them and the port-locks. Friday now led the way, weighted down under the heavy suits; the scientist came next and then the Hawk, his sole remaining gun replying at intervals to the ever-thickening barrage from behind. They had covered perhaps a half of that distance when the negro's steps suddenly faltered and he halted. "Look there!" he groaned.

As the Lincolnshires got their objective without trouble, we moved close up to them and once more lay down to wait for 1-40 p.m., the time for our own barrage and advance. Unfortunately, though screened from the East, the corner of Magny Woods, was visible from the South.

Donoghue Brings Valuable Reinforcements Bolshevik Orator On Emtsa Bridge Conditions Detrimental To Morale Preparations For Attack On Kodish Savage Fighting Blade To Blade Bolsheviks Would Not Give Way Desperately Bitter Struggle We Hold Kodish At Awful Cost Under Constant And Severe Barrage Half-Burned Shell-Gashed Houses Mark Scene Of Struggle We Retire From Kodish Again We Capture Kodish But Can Not Advance Death Of Ballard Counter Attack Of Reds Is Barely Stemmed Both Sides See Futility Of Fighting For Kodish "K" Means Kodish Where Heroic Blood Of Two Continents Stained Snows Richly.

The French say "Belle!" when they see such a barrage, and beautiful is the word for it to those men who were going across the field toward this shell-made nimbus looking too soft in the bright sunlight to have darts of death. All the shell-bursts seemed to be in a breadth of twenty or thirty yards. How could guns firing at a range of from two to five thousand yards attain such accuracy!

The men were three-quarters of the distance, now. As they drew nearer to the barrage another apprehension numbed your thought.

Zero was at 5-40 a.m., and at that time suddenly there opened an enormous crescendo of fire from the British guns, together with a machine gun barrage, which latter some attributed erroneously to the enemy. At this time it was fairly light, and one could see from a hundred and fifty to two hundred yards, quite light enough to enable the German machine gunners to inflict many casualties.

It was a bloodless victory, and by 7-0 a.m. the Battalion was occupying the identical sector that it occupied in 1915. The barrage had not been needed, but it was none the less very useful, for we all learnt how close we could keep and how to judge the "lifts." Consolidation was not a difficult matter except on the right flank, where we could not until evening get touch with the 55th Division.