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We mustn’t really disappoint those young men. I am in the middle of such an amusing discussion with Mr Bunker, who is really a very sensible man and quite worthy of the Baron’s judgment.” Poor Lady Alicia hardly knew whether to feel more relieved at her escape or dismayed at the construction put upon her explanation.

In the Baron’s desire to spare your feelings,” replied Mr Bunker, gravely, “he has been a little inaccurate; that is not precisely an ordinary cough-mixture.” “Oh,” said the Countess. Lady Alicia’s attention had been strongly attracted by the bath, and suddenly she exclaimed, “Why, there are goldfish in it!” The Baron’s nerve was fast deserting him.

Even as he was speaking the Baron’s face had passed through a series of the most extraordinary expressions, which she not unnaturally put down to premonitory symptoms. “It’s beginning already!” she shrieked. “Alicia, my love, come quickly. How dare you expose us, sir?” “Calm yourselves. I assure you——” pleaded Mr Bunker, coming hastily after them, but they were at the door before him.

Each time he rejected her petition to have the affairs of their son straightened out; and when she became insistent and seemed minded to keep up her fight, he became silent, speechless. It was during her last attempt that the servants heard her speaking with extraordinary passion and violence. When she left the Baron’s room her whole body was quivering with emotion and excitement.

She went out to meet the Baron, determined to give no further colour to her mother’s unlucky misconception. The Countess was far too experienced and determined a general to leave it at all doubtful who should walk by whose side, and who should have the opportunity of appreciating whose merits, but Lady Alicia was quite resolved that the Baron’s blandishments should fall on stony ground.

If Eberhard needed money, he was forced to go to Carovius, who would stand on the platform for an hour waiting for the Baron’s train to come in; and once Eberhard had got out of his carriage, Herr Carovius excited the laughter of the railroad officials by his affectionate care for his protégé.

In such a case there is no sympathy so welcome as a woman’s.” The Countess glanced at her daughter, and wavered for an instant between those proprieties for which she was a famous stickler and this admirable chance of completing the Baron’s conquest. “His relations are far away,” said Mr Bunker, looking pensively out of the window.

Among the vines quantities of yellow melons and green water-melons were strewn over the ground, while the mottled pumpkins hung gracefully from the branches of the orange-trees. In front of the castle was an arbour, formed of box-trees, under which a lovely fountain had been constructed; and here, in the hot summer months, would wander the baron’s only daughter, Alina.

In a few minutes they were all on the best of terms. A certain perplexity, and almost shyness, that the young man showed at first, vanished rapidly before the Baron’s cordiality and Mr Bunker’s well-bred charm of manner.

There,” he said with a smile, “you see I still come in useful.” She hurried away, and Mr Bunker walked slowly downstairs and out of the hotel. “It seems to me,” he reflected, “that I shall have to set out on my adventures again alone.” The Baron’s natural good temper might have forgiven his friend, but all night he was a prey to something against which no temper is proof.