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When it came to a choice between the championship of Lady Agatha and the defiance of Wilton Barnstable, and all that he represented, Cleggett did not hesitate for an instant. There were still some aspects of the situation in which he found himself that were as puzzling as ever to Cleggett.

The extraordinary manner of the speaker contributed as much as his singular assertion to induce Barnstable, in his surprise, to lower the point of his weapon, with an air that might easily have been mistaken for submission.

"I should have an opportunity, perhaps, of seeing my cousin Cecilia and my cousin Katherine." The countenance of Barnstable grew animated as he listened, and he answered with something of his usual cheerful manner: "Ay, that, indeed, would be a work worth carrying!

Had the fears of the ladies themselves been consulted, the frigate's launch would have been selected for their use, on account of its size; but Barnstable, who would have thought such a choice on his part humiliating to his guests, ordered the long, low barge of Captain Munson to be drawn upon the sand, it being peculiarly the boat of honor.

"As the day dawns," said Cecilia, quickly, I shall send here, under the pretence of conveying you food, my own woman " "There is no need of risking anything for my safety," interrupted Griffith; "I hardly think we shall be detained, and if we are, Barnstable is at hand with a force that would scatter these recruits to the four winds of heaven."

"'Tis the freak of an idle moment," said Barnstable, laughing, as he glanced his eye to the cannon, above which were painted the several quaint names of "boxer," "plumper," "grinder," "scatterer," "exterminator" and nail-driver." "Why have you thrown the midship gun without the pale of your baptism?" asked the pilot; "or do you know it by the usual title of the 'old woman'?"

"Now, understand me, Barnstable; on no account would I have you risk yourself on shore; neither must there be blood spilt, if you love me; but that you may know what sort of a place we are confined in, and by whom surrounded, I will describe both our prison and the garrison. The whole building is of stone, and not to be attempted with slight means.

All three replaced their coats at the same time, and Wilton Barnstable went on: "Our course of procedure is plain, Mr. Cleggett. We have the evidence against Logan Black. We must have the man himself. I depend upon you to cooperate with me.

If your parents had spent more of their money on your edication, and less on your outfit, you'd ha' been a gentleman to what ye are now." "Hurrah! Tom, hurrah!" cried Barnstable, a little impatiently; "is your namesake never to open his throat again!"

And what tidings have we, sir, from Mr. Griffith and the marine?" "Name him not," said Barnstable, pressing the shoulder on which he lightly leaned, with a convulsive grasp, that caused the boy to yield with pain; "name him not, Merry; I want my temper and my faculties at this moment undisturbed, and thinking of the wretch unfits me for my duty. But, there will come a time!