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She had been dreaming that she was back in Kansas again, and playing in the old barn-yard with the calves and pigs and chickens all around her; and at first, as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, she really imagined she was there. "Kut-kut-kut, ka-daw-kut! Kut-kut-kut, ka-daw-kut!" Ah; here again was the strange noise that had awakened her. Surely it was a hen cackling!

Old Dan Harris, the stableman, stood in the door and silently he pointed to a gray horse in the barn-yard. "You know that hoss?" "Yes." "You know whut's he here fer?" "I've heard." "Well, I'm lookin' fer Dave every day now." "Well, maybe I'd better ride Dave's horse now," said Hale jestingly. "I wish you would," said old Dan.

I could never give any very large portion of a wet day to his reading. There is truthfulness of description in him, and a certain grace of rhythm, but nothing to kindle any glow. The story of Giles, and of the milking, and of the spotted heifers, may be true enough; but every day, in my barn-yard, I find as true and as lively a story.

Monomaniac reminiscences were in him "To the right, to the right!" he shouted, as, arrived at the street corner, the farmers beat the drove to the left, towards Smithfield: "To the right! you are driving them back to the pastures to the right! that way lies the barn-yard!" "Barn-yard?" cried a voice; "you are dreaming, old man."

Various substances are sometimes used as repellants by those who must be in regions where the mosquitoes are abundant. With many of these, however, "the cure is worse than the disease." Smudges are often built to the windward of a house or barn-yard and the smoke from a good smoldering fire will keep a considerable area quite free from mosquitoes.

Even Mousie exclaimed with delight at the bright-colored papers of flower-seeds on her plate. To Winnie were given half a dozen china eggs with which to lure the prospective biddies to lay in nests easily reached, and she tried to cackle over them in absurd imitation. Little Bobsey had to have some toys and candy, but they all presented to his eyes the natural inmates of the barn-yard.

When he looked out into the night it always seemed vacant, therefore horrid, and he took it for as empty as it looked. And if there had been no God there, it would have been reasonable indeed to be afraid; for the most frightful of notions is Nothing-at-all. It grew dark, and they were falling asleep on their walking legs, when they came to a barn-yard.

I heard him crow like a barn-yard fowl on the Capitol-steps at Washington when Lincoln called for the seventy-five thousand: now, he hashes up Breckinridge's conservative speech for your hickory-backed farmers. Does he support the family, Mac?" "His election-expenses are heavy." "Brandy-slings. I know his proclivities." McKinstry colored. Dr.

Over the barn-yard gate loomed just then the huge shoulders of Babe Honeycutt coming from the house where he had gone to see his sister Martha. Jason heard the shuffling of big feet and he turned to see Babe coming toward him fearlessly, his good-natured face in a wide smile and his hand outstretched.

It is to be hoped that the muy valiente gallo had his wing patched up and lived to tell his tale of bravery to many a barn-yard chick a war-scarred veteran whose honourable wound entitled him to the respect of all domestic fowl.