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In these cases," resumed Mr. Osmond, "connected as they are with Hyperaemia, some medical men considered moderate venesection to be indicated." He then put on his gloves saying, "The diet, of course, must be Antiphlogistic. I would give her one glass of sherry, but no more, and barley-water; it would be as well to avoid brown meats, at all events for the present.

So passed four-and-twenty days, when Delmaire, rising from his bed, felt the most dreadful trepidation; he panted violently; it seemed as if an enormous weight oppressed his chest, and from time to time there was profound sighing and sobbing. He complained every moment that he was smothered. He attempted to drink, but it was with great difficulty that a few drops of barley-water were swallowed.

She learned strange things about barley-water and formulae and units and olive oil, and orange juice and ounces and farina, and bath-thermometers and blue-and-white striped nurses who view grandmothers with a coldly disapproving and pitying eye. She watched the bathing-process for the first time with wonder as frank as it was unfeigned. "And I thought I was a modern woman!" she marveled.

Emma wanted to go out; the crowd filled the corridors, and she fell back in her armchair with palpitations that choked her. Charles, fearing that she would faint, ran to the refreshment-room to get a glass of barley-water.

"Then why were you going to marry her?" "Oh, I don't know. It seemed a good idea at the time." "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Eustace bent a little further over the end of the bed and patted her hair. "Do have some barley-water," he said. "Just a sip!" "You are in love with her!" sobbed Jane. "I'm not! I love you!" "You don't!" "Pardon me!" said Eustace firmly.

She walked on, and reached a station, hot and cross. That evening, faithful to the impulse toward direct action, which made many people avoid her, she said to her father: "Dad, I've been down to see young Fleur. I think she's very attractive. It's no good hiding our heads under our wings, is it?" The startled Jolyon set down his barley-water, and began crumbling his bread.

A portion of the funds was devoted to the preparation of the articles of food and drink necessary for the sick, and the kitchen of the schoolroom was freely employed in making milk-puddings, barley-water, and other things which brought pleasure and alleviation to the parched little lips for which they were intended. The distress grew daily more intense.

He took to studying those earlier local writers who often composed in that tongue. The Jesuitical smoothness, the saccharine felicity of authors like Giannettasio had just begun to pall on his fancy, when the ANTIQUITIES fell into his hands. It was like a draught of some generous southern wine, after a course of barley-water.

One obtains the fruition of every wish, by making gifts, under the constellation Uttarashadha, of jugs full of barley-water, with ghee and inspissated juice of sugarcane in abundance. By making a gift under the conjunction called Abhijit, of milk with honey and ghee unto men of wisdom, a righteous person attains to heaven and becomes an object of attention and honour there.

The only matter that's been left what you call in statu quo is that business of Miss Bruce's, which I had nothing to do with. It will last you a good while yet, Tom, though it's of less importance to her now, poor thing! don't you move, Tom I'll hand you the barley-water because she's Miss Bruce no longer." Tom gasped, and hid his pale, thin face in the jug of barley-water.