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So nobody ever bothered him after he'd once opened his mouth. They knew it was so much lost labour. I sometimes thought Aileen was a bit like him in her way of sticking to things. But then she was always right, you see. So that clinched it. Mother gave in like a wise woman, as she was. The clergyman from Bargo came one day and christened me and Jim made one job of it.

I drew some up just for a stall, and had a good look. 'How many men were with him? 'Only two; and they're to pass through Bargo Brush about sundown to-night, or a bit earlier. I asked one of the men the road; said I'd lost myself, and would be late home. Ha! ha! ha! And how the young villain laughed till the tears came into his eyes, while he danced about like a blackfellow.

'I expect he'll turn squatter some day and be made a magistrate. 'Like enough, says Jim. 'More than one we could pick began lower down than him, and sits on the Bench and gives coves like us a turn when we're brought up before 'em. Fancy old George sayin', "Is anything known, constable, of this prisoner's anterseedents?" as I heard old Higgler say one day at Bargo.

'Them two fellers from Bargo; one of 'em's a new chum got his hair cut short, just like Dick's. My word, I thought he'd been waggin' it from some o' them Gov'ment institoosh'ns. I did raly, Dick, old man. 'You're precious free and easy, my young friend, says Starlight, walking over. 'I rather like you.

I couldn't help seeing whose fault it was that she'd been kept back and was now obliged to work hard, and almost ashamed to show herself at Bargo and the other small towns; not that the people were ever shy of speaking to her, but she thought they might be, and wouldn't give them a chance.

We cracked on for the Hollow in the morning early, and found dad and Warrigal all ready for us. The horses were in great buckle, and carried us over to Bargo easy enough before dark. We camped about a mile away from the road, in as thick a place as we could find, where we made ourselves as snug as things would allow.

You'll see him in Bargo before the week's out. I had a good guess where Jim would make for, and he knew enough to hide his tracks for the last few miles if there was a whole tribe of trackers after him. That night we rode into Bargo. A long day too we'd had we were all tired enough when we got in.

The horses were out by this time; the groom was walking Rainbow up and down; he'd put a regular French-polish on his coat, and the old horse was arching his neck and chawing his bit as if he thought he was going to start for the Bargo Town Plate. Jonathan himself was holding our two horses, but looking at him.

Then the youngest chap him with the old felt hat walked like this. Here he squared his shoulders, put his hands by his side, and marched up and down, looking for all the world like one of them chaps that played at soldiering in Bargo. 'There's no hiding the military air, you think, Billy? said Starlight. 'That fellow was a recruit, and had been drilled lately. 'I d'no.

Two of the horses got into Bargo pound, and he went and released them for us. Then a storm blew off best part of the roof of the barn, and the bit of wheat would have been spoiled only for him. He's the best friend we have. 'You'd better make sure of him for good and all, I said. 'I suppose he's pretty well-to-do now with that new farm he bought the other day. 'Oh! you saw that, she said.