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It happened at times not in my barest days, but in those of decent poverty that some one in the house where I lodged played the piano and how it rejoiced me when this came to pass! I say "played the piano" a phrase that covers much.

There was the barest second of waiting, in which the long arms tightened, and the great body of his assailant hung heavily about him; then he dug spurs into the horse's flanks and the animal leaped forward with a snort of rage, jumped out of the path and tore away through the woods. Oscar's whole strength was taxed to hold his seat as the burly figure thumped against the horse's flanks.

Close in under the stern of the gunboat, slightly to starboard, stole the "Pollard." Jack, balancing himself, made a cast of the line. The iron bolt shot up, past the stern flagstaff, then down into the water astern again. With the gunboat lying to, the submarine could move only with the barest headway.

"Yes, my child, they have gone at last." "And what have they left us?" inquired Mrs. Morton somewhat anxiously. "Nothing but the barest necessaries for housekeeping." "They did not take our carpets and " "Yes, Mary," said Mr. Morton interrupting her, "every article in the parlors has been set down as unnecessary." "O, father!" exclaimed the eldest daughter, "can it be possible?"

We have but hinted at the barest outlines of Mr. D'Arcy's argument which, as against Idealism, is close-reasoned and subtle; and now we have left but little space to deal with the more really interesting chapter on the "Ultimate Unity."

She minded her own business and he minded his. No, he didn't know nothin' more about it. What was I a-pumpin' him for, anyway? I gave up the "pumping" and hurried back to the rectory. There Hephzy told me a few additional facts. Frances had taken with her only the barest necessities, for the most part those which she had when she came to us.

Every day for five weeks, for five hours each day, the members studied and debated with meticulous care every sentence of the proposed Constitution. Time does not suffice even for the barest statement of the many interesting questions which were thus discussed, but they nearly ran the whole gamut of constitutional government.

The life led by Coleridge during the six years next ensuing is difficult to trace, even in the barest outline; to give a detailed and circumstantial account of it from any ordinarily accessible source of information is impossible.

Thither, then, he bent his steps, seeming, as he went, to float above the pavement; and there, in the mouth of the entry, he found a man in a sleeved waistcoat, gravely chewing a straw. He passed him by, and twice patrolled the entry, scouting for the barest chance; but the man had faced about and continued to observe him curiously. Another hope was gone.

"All that is very true," replied the policeman, who seemed to have thought of everything; "and I don't deny that there is just the barest possibility in the world that you're right. But you mustn't forget that the roof of the bridge was over him, and has shut out the chance of his helping himself. Don't you believe that, if he was alive, he would have answered the calls that Jack made to him?