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'Ah! muttered Father Concha, as he hurried on towards the Palazzo Barenna. 'So far, so good. Where the fox is, will be found the stolen fowl. Concepcion Vara, who was saddling his horse in the stable yard of the inn, saw the Padre pass. 'Ah, clever one! he muttered, 'with your jokes about my wife. Now you may make a false journey for all the help you receive from me.

The Contessa was in, and the Englishman was ushered into a vast room, which even the taste of the day could not entirely deprive of its mediaeval grandeur. Sir John explained to the servant in halting Spanish that his name was unknown to the Senora Barenna, but that a stranger in some slight difficulty he had been recommended to seek her assistance.

He had determined to go to Xeres, though that town of ill repute lay far to the westward of his road towards the capital. It would have been simple enough to destroy the letter entrusted to him by Julia Barenna, a stranger whom he was likely never to see again simple enough and infinitely safer as he suspected, for the billet-doux of Mr. Larralde smelt of grimmer things than love.

'General, he said, turning and bowing very low to Senora Barenna and Estella, who now joined them, 'General, I leave you to explain to your niece the painful duties of my office. The General smiled and raised a deprecating shoulder. 'Well, my dear, he said kindly to Julia, 'it appears that our good Alcalde has news of a letter which is at present passing from hand to hand in Andalusia.

'A little sweeping, your statements, my dear Inez. Is it not so? Now, a lemonade! the afternoon is warm. He rose and rang the bell. 'My nerves, whispered the Senora to Concha. 'My nerves they are so easily upset. 'The liqueurs, said the General to the servant with perfect gravity. 'You must take steps at once, urged Senora Barenna when they were alone again.

It is not the first time a mere incident, that is all. 'That which the Senora Barenna said just now, observed the priest slowly, 'about our English friend may be true. Sometimes thoughtless people arrive at a conclusion which eludes more careful minds. 'Yes my dear Padre yes. The two grey-headed men looked at each other for a moment in silence. 'And yet you trust him, said Concha.

'How shall I find the lady? 'Her name is Barenna, the Senorita Barenna; that is sufficient in Ronda. Conyngham took up the letter and examined it. 'It is of importance? he said. 'Of the utmost. 'And of value? 'Of the greatest value in the world to me.

Here was a woman having that air of decision which exacts respect alike from men and women. Seen thus, with the more vivacious Julia at her side, Estella gained suddenly in moral strength and depth suggesting a steady fire in contrast with a flickering will-o'-the-wisp blown hither and thither on every zephyr. Yet Julia Barenna would pass anywhere as a woman of will and purpose.

'Where is the Senorita Barenna? asked the General. 'She is downstairs commanding his Excellency's soldiers to let her pass. 'You go down, my friend, and bring her here. Then take that door yourself. Concepcion bowed ceremoniously and withdrew. He might have been an ambassador, and his salutation was worthy of an Imperial Court.

Have you come to tell me something? 'I have come to give you a letter, senorita, he answered, handing her Larralde's missive. She held out her hand, and never took her eyes from his face. Concha walked to the window the window whence the Alcalde of Ronda had seen Conyngham hand Julia Barenna another letter.