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Five glasses were poured out by the bar-tender, and drunk off solemnly; this was considered to bring the ceremony to a close. In the evening Frank was sitting around a fire with some of his acquaintances, when two persons were seen approaching. "Can you tell me," one of them said, when he got up to the group, "whether Frank Norris is in the camp, and if so, where I can find him?"

I thumped the hand-bell on the table, and was successful in obtaining more prompt attention from the bar-tender than I had been able to do across the counter. When the food and drink were placed between us and paid for, Donald stuffed all but one slice of his bread and cheese inside his waistcoat, and he sighed contentedly as he contemplated the sparkling ale.

"Excuse me, stranger," said Texas, in his softest tones; "but I sure am moved to testify in this here meetin'." The man would have made some angry, blustering reply, but a warning look from the promoter and a slight cough from the bar-tender checked him. Tex proceeded. "That you-all has rights to your opinion regardin' Mr.

The very indifference of the bar-tender coupled with the evident desire of this hanger-on to form an acquaintance, served to reveal the real nature of "Mike's Place." Plainly enough strangers were viewed with suspicion, and this was no ordinary saloon, catering to whatever trade drifted within its doors.

He was standing with the glass in his hand when Miller came in to him. He was in his shirt sleeves and still held his cue. He gave the bar-tender a glance. "Get out, Jack," he said. The bar-tender, a native in a white jacket and a red lava-lava, without a word slid out of the small room. "Look here, I've been wanting to have a few words with you, Lawson," said the big American.

I have never heard of but one first-class saloon closing until after the ball closed, and in this case the owner was very sick and the bar-tender had skipped with the cash balance.

The long wall-mirror behind the bar-tender cracked and starred with the crashing impact of the joker's skull, and the man fell senseless, bleeding from the mouth and nostrils. Another attendant came running at the crash, and the exclamations of those who had seen the swift retaliation wreaked. Saxham, leaving a banknote lying on the counter, wheeled abruptly, and went out of the bar.

"And now, what shall I do?" was the question that arose in his mind. "Give up my establishment?" At that moment, Sandy, the bar-tender, opened the parlour door, and said with a broad smile "The Sub-Treasury is working wonders again! I'm overrun, and want help." "I can't come down, just now, Sandy. I'm not very well. You will have to get along the best you can," Graves replied.

One leader, which surely had a triumphant success, is headed, "What the Bar-tender Sees." And the exordium is worthy so profound a speculation. "Did you ever stop to think," murmurs the Yellow philosopher, "of all the strange beings that pass before him?" There's profundity for you! There's invention!

"Too much for four?" pronounced Zotique. Spoon pressed heavily behind Benoit, and whispered something. "La Misericoide then," said Benoit, hastily. Zotique shouted to the Secretary: "Jean Benoit the countryside of La Misericorde!" And to Benoit again: "There is your committee." But Jean would have a hand in shoving forward his admired bar-tender: "Give monsieur something near my own."