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So I began to consider all de time 'bout de soul. Byme-by a Baptis' min'ster comed to de place, and massa and missus was converted. Den dey let us hab meetin's and de clersh'-man he comed and talked to us. I didn't comperhend much he said, 'caus I was young and foolish; but he telled a good many times 'bout dat ef we want to save our souls we mus be babtize and git under de Lord's table.

"He's a Cam'elite," said the Bishop dryly "ready to dispute a'ready" here the young Scruggs sent out a kick which caught the Bishop in the mouth. "With Baptis' propensities," added the Bishop. "Fetch the baptismal fount." "Please, pap," said little Appomattox Watts from the front bench, "but Archie B. has drunk up all the baptismal water endurin' the first prayer."

"These are rum manners," said I. "'s a rum crowd," said the captain, and, to my surprise, he made the sign of the cross on his bare bosom. "Hillo!" says I, "are you a Papist?" He repudiated the idea with contempt. "Hard-shell Baptis'," said he. "But, my dear friend, the Papists got some good ideas too; and tha' 's one of 'em.

Her secon' man he got er mighty kinky, woolly head an' he mighty meek, so she got a little white lamb a-settin' on he grabe; an' de nex husban' he didn't have nothin' much fo' to disgueese him f'om de res' 'cep'in' he so slow an' she might nigh rack her brain off, twell she happen to think 'bout him bein' a Hardshell Baptis' an' so powerful slow, so she jest got a little tarrapim an' sot it on him.

I'm too modes' to be a Mefodis'. So I explains an' 'pologizes to d' elders, then I shins out for d' Baptis' folks next door. An' it's all right. I'm at peace now: I'm in d' Baptis' chu'ch, sah. You go inter d' watah, kersause! an' that sets yo' safe in d' love of d' Lamb."

Effn dey saw you wif a book dey knock it down on de floor. Dey wouldn let dem learn." "De aukshun allus held at Richmond. Plantashun owners come from all states to buy slaves and sell them." "We had church an had to be dere every single Sunday. We read de Bible. De preacher did the readin. I can't read or write. We sho had good prayer meetins. Show nuf it was a Baptis church.

How you talks, Miss Lou! I'se a member ob de Baptis' Church, en you knows it." "Oh, I know a heap 'mo'n dat, as you so often say. If you were only a member of the Baptist Church I wouldn't be running in to see you so often. Uncle says a member of the Baptist Church has been stealing some of his chickens."

Its name is Susabella and Aryann, or somethin' like that. Shall I wake it up? It's both alike." "Now, why, my woman's folks," began Curly, "up there in Kansas I reckon maybe that's how it happened! She had a sister done married a Baptis' preacher, onct. Say, now, I bet a horse that's right how this here happened. Say, they was so pore they didn't have enough to eat."

"I's so glad to see you, honey; but chile, you smell lak a 'pothac'ay shop." "I ain't been right well lately," said Zach sheepishly. To cover his confusion Turner called for eggnog. When it came the old man said: "Well, I's Baptis' myse'f, but seein' it's Crismus "

Dey called it a Foh Day Baptis' Chu'ch dat is, fer foh days you'se a Baptis', an' de rest de week you'se nuthin' 't all. Ole Zack wuz crazy 'bout it; in fac', he wuz de prime mover, cyarrin' on most of his op'rations durin' dem las' three days.