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She saw the Christmas tree, and the surging children, through a haze of dreams. Mysterious, enviable, unattainable thought the Sodality girls, eying the black-clad figure, with its immaculate touches of white at wrists and throat. Mrs. Bannister had run away with an actor and had lived in New York, and was a widow, they reminded each other, and thrilled.

Miss Panney attached no value whatever to the opinions, in regard to domestic service, of the young lady who had just entered the room, and she asked her no questions. Miss Bannister, however, did not seem in the least slighted, and sat down to join the chat.

I went to Thorbury and engaged a woman to come here; but, as that was three days ago and she has not come yet, I think she must have changed her mind." "But why did Phoebe leave you?" exclaimed Miss Bannister. "She ought to be ashamed of herself, to leave you without any one to help you."

Miss Panney had another call to pay in the neighborhood, and she had intended, for form's sake, to spend a little time with Mrs. Bannister; but she did neither. She went back by the way she had come, wishing to learn all she could about the movements of the Cobhurst gig. Approaching the Tolbridge house, she saw that vehicle standing before the door, with the sleepy Mrs.

The day that Becky had ridden away, hidden by the flaps of the old surrey, the spark of his somewhat fickle interest had been lighted, and the glimpse that he had had of her this morning had fanned the spark into a flame. "Did you say the old man's name is Bannister?" he asked Oscar as the Judge's party passed them later on their way to their seats. "Yes. Judge Bannister.

She's afraid he'll marry the young lady what's out thar, an' she wants him to marry Miss Dora, an' git a lot of the Bannister money to fix up his old house, an' then she expects to go out thar an' board with 'em, for I reckon she's gittin' mighty tired of the way them Wittons live.

"You're quite an authority on the sex considering your years." "Yes, ma'am." He looked aggrieved, thinking himself a man grown. "How did y'u say Mr. Bannister was?" "Wait, and I'll send Nora out to tell you," she flashed, and disappeared in the house. Conversation at the bunkhouse and the chucktent sometimes circled around the young women at the house, but its personality rarely grew pronounced.

Ned Bannister untied the handkerchief from his neck and laid it across the face of his kinsman. A moment longer he looked down, then passed his hands across his eyes and seemed to brush away the memories that thronged him. He stepped forward to the fire and warmed his hands. "We'll go on, Mac, to the rendezvous he had appointed with his outfit.

Miss Panney left Thorbury the next morning, but she had to go without seeing Phoebe, who did not appear at the station. She arrived at Barport in the afternoon, and went directly to the house of the friend to whom she had written, and who, it is to be hoped, was glad to see her. She deferred making her presence known to the Bannister party until the next morning.

But when an actor comes, and instead of the delightful phantom the creature dear to half-belief which Bannister exhibited displays before our eyes a downright concretion of a Wapping sailor a jolly warm-hearted Jack Tar and nothing else when instead of investing it with a delicious confusedness of the head, and a veering undirected goodness of purpose he gives to it a downright daylight understanding, and a full consciousness of its actions; thrusting forward the sensibilities of the character with a pretence as if it stood upon nothing else, and was to be judged by them alone we feel the discord of the thing; the scene is disturbed; a real man has got in among the dramatis personæ, and puts them out.