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Bannister's illness, and can readily understand that she must not be burdened or troubled now. Please let me know how she progresses, and let me be your banker again, if the need arises. I am afraid she does not know how to save herself. Faithfully yours, The date was mid-December. Martie read it once, read it again, crushed it in her hand in a spasm of shame and pain.

The simplest plan would be to go and see her; but if he did so, he knew he ought to take his sister with him, and he had no reason to believe that Miriam would be in any hurry to return Miss Bannister's visit. If he had been acquainted with the brother, the case would have been different, but that gentleman had not yet called upon him.

And then he scornfully spat into the river. Captain Bannister's face turned a darker red, and he glanced over his shoulder at the man. Then he bent forward again, peered ahead and under the sail as if sighting our course with great care, and turned the wheel a little.

She is in Judge Bannister's box and we board with her at King's Crest. And say, she's a corker!" George, surveying Becky with increasing interest, decided that she was a bit above her surroundings. She sat as it were with Publicans. George may not have used the Scriptural phrase, but he had the feeling. He was Pharisaically thankful that he was not as that conglomerate group in the Bannister box.

Bundercombe," I asked seriously, "what have you to say in reply to Captain Bannister's statement?" "Don't seem to me there's much to be said," Mr. Bundercombe replied. "But he accuses you of cheating!" I exclaimed. "Oh, I cheated all right!" Mr. Bundercombe admitted readily. Captain Bannister turned toward me triumphantly. "After that confession from Mr.

"Still there might have been another man there singing." "One chance in a million," he conceded. A sudden hope flamed up like tow in her heart. Perhaps, after all, Ned Bannister was not the leader of the outlaws. Perhaps somebody else was masquerading in his name, using Bannister's unpopularity as a shield to cover his iniquities. Still, this was an unlikely hypothesis, she had to admit.

Walford mentions also Rat's Castle, a rendezvous for all the riff-raff of the neighbourhood. Dyott Street was named after an influential parishioner of Charles II.'s time, who had a house here. It was later called George Street, but has reverted to the original name. South of Great Russell Street there were formerly Bannister's Alley and Eagle and Child Yard running northwards.

Bannister even as she put it to her ear. "This is Mrs. Winfield speaking," she said steadily, "Mr. Bannister's sister. Mr. Bannister is very ill and cannot possibly attend to any business." There was a silence at the other end of the wire. Then a voice, with the calm of desperation, said: "Thank you." There was a pause.

'You'd better wear Bannister's togs, if they'll fit you, said the comedian; 'if not, you'll want a dress-suit for the second act. The clothes fitted excellently, and Berry saw to the neophyte's make-up, painting and powdering him dexterously, and dressing the virginal beard and moustache with a dark cosmetic. 'You're funking it, the comedian said cheerfully.

I believe that money that is made in a neighborhood like this ought to be spent here, and Thomas Bannister's money could not be better spent than in making Cobhurst the fine estate it used to be. I do not believe in a girl like Dora going off and marrying some city fellow, and perhaps spending the rest of her life at the watering-places and Paris. I want her here; don't you?"