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How is it you all be so friendly to-day?" Hey? 'Twould sound right and sensible, wouldn't it? 'Not a word! Good mercy, when will the man have manners! 'It must be a proud moment for you, I am sure, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, to have a son so celebrated, said the bank-manager advancing. 'Ah, 'tis Stephen I knew it! said Mrs. Smith triumphantly to herself. 'We don't know particulars, said John.

It's struck me that he may have threatened Mallett with exposure; and exposure, of course, would mean a great deal to a man in Mallett's position a bank-manager, and Town Trustee, and so on. And But I really don't know what to think." "There's a thing I'd like to know," said Brent. "What do you think about the woman in the case? You've had chances of knowing her."

A verse ran in his head "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. . . ." The slamming of a door at the street-corner beyond the bridge recalled him to the world of action. On the doorstep of the local Bank turning key in lock as he left the premises stood a man respectably dressed and large of build. It was Mr Pamphlett, the Bank-Manager.

A toiler, not a flatfish. A sizzler, not a squab. Yes, I am a member. Will you tell Mr Bickersdyke that I am sorry, but I have been elected, and have paid my entrance fee and subscription. 'Thank you, sir. The waiter went downstairs and found Mr Bickersdyke in the lower smoking-room. 'The gentleman says he is, sir. 'H'm, said the bank-manager. 'Coffee and Benedictine, and a cigar.

It was on the evening following this that the bank-manager was due to address a meeting at the Kenningford Town Hall. He was looking forward to the event with mixed feelings. He had stood for Parliament once before, several years back, in the North. He had been defeated by a couple of thousand votes, and he hoped that the episode had been forgotten. Not merely because his defeat had been heavy.

His directors had the fullest confidence in him; they relied on his honesty and his honour; they gave him discretionary powers such as no bank-manager, probably, ever enjoyed or held before.

In reality, however, it was an active volcano in the shape and clothes of the bank-manager. It was freely admitted in the office that morning that the manager had lowered all records with ease.

If I am the head of a bank I am responsible for its policy, but that doesn't mean that every local bank-manager should consult me about the solvency of clients I never heard of. Faversham keeps bleating to me that the state of India is dangerous. Well, for God's sake let him suppress every native paper, shut up the schools, and send every agitator to the Andamans. I'll back him up all right.

He was a short, stiff, stout, red-faced man, jolly with the jollity that springs from a kind heart, a humorous disposition, a perfect digestion, and the respectful deference of one's bank-manager. Without being a member of the Browning Society, he held firmly to the belief that all's right with the world. Mr.

His cheeks had paled, his eyes were a little dilated, his lips parted as he stared at the bank-manager altogether, it was more than mere curiosity that was indicated on his features. And Bryce, satisfied and secretly elated, turned to hear what Mr. Alexander Chilstone had to tell. That was not much but it was of considerable importance. Only two days before, said Mr.