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"Fly is killed she is killed!" cried Dotty; but Jennie had presence of mind enough to tuck the bills into the neck of her dress. "Don't you tell anybody a word about it, Dotty. If you tell I'll do something awful to you. Do you hear?" Dotty heard, but did not answer. The fate of her cousin Flyaway seemed more important to her just then than all the bank-bills in the world.

The shares of the Company continued to rise in value, and bank-bills were indefinitely issued. In a little while , six hundred and forty millions of livres in these bills were in circulation, and soon after nearly half of the national debt was paid off'; in other words, people had been induced to exchange government securities, to the amount of eight hundred millions, for the Mississippi stock.

The count gathered up the letters hastily and gave them to his wife, who took them to a table as if to see that they were all there. "Now," said Vandenesse to Florine, "will you let me have those letters for these?" showing her five bank-bills of ten thousand francs each. "They'll replace the sums you have paid for him."

Fogg did not throw some handfuls of bank-bills into the sea, more than seven thousand pounds would have been spent! An hour after, the Henrietta passed the lighthouse which marks the entrance of the Hudson, turned the point of Sandy Hook, and put to sea. During the day she skirted Long Island, passed Fire Island, and directed her course rapidly eastward.

Before I begin, it is necessary to notice that I had the sum of eight thousand pounds about me, in bank-bills: for it is this circumstance which seems to have insured my death. Our walk was to have ended by four o'clock, and the money to have been left at the banker's as we returned. I cannot however acquit myself of neglect.

The paper of all kinds with which trade was inundated, and which had all more or less lost credit, made a chaos for which no remedy could be perceived. State-bills, bank-bills, receiver- general's-bills, title-bills, utensil-bills, were the ruin of private people, who were forced by the King to take them in payment, and who lost half, two-thirds, and sometimes more, by the transaction.

The bank-bills I concealed in my long stockings, and would gladly have been without them had I not seen how greatly this would disappoint my aunt. She counted, and wisely, on their insuring me a more than favourable reception. Lastly, I got me a small compass and some tobacco for Jack.

The legal papers were carefully stowed in an inside pocket, and he was about to close down his roll-top desk when the package of bank-bills met his eye. He frowned perplexedly; then picking up the bundle he dropped it into the same pocket with the papers belonging to Mr. Sandford. He went out, closing the door behind him.

"No wealth is accumulated in vain," said Meshach Milburn, his delicate nostrils distended and his fine hand pointing to the bank-bills. "Now, war on Johnson's Cross Roads!" He crossed the old room over the store, and, opening the green chest, brought out the Entailed Hat, and took it in his hand with a grim smile. "Here is something I thought to lay aside on my wife's account," he spoke.

"'Tis he, 'tis that wretch " But he interrupted himself, and more gently: "Put away those bank-bills," said he to his wife, "and let Maxence take them back to M. de Thaller to-morrow." The bell rang violently. "The police!" groaned Mme. Desclavettes, who seemed on the point of fainting away. "I am going to negotiate," said M. Desormeaux. "Fly, Vincent: do not lose a minute."